Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting
May 6, 2019
Attendance (sign roll): Diane, Rachel, Kalai, Heather, Melissa, Ashley, Jana, Kathryn, Stacy, Amy, Mr. Mills, Liz, Marnee, Haylie.
Volunteer Hours: 73 hours
Approval of minutes as written; no further discussion;
Pledge of Allegiance Diane
Presentation of the Skyridge PTSA 2019 Scholarships to each winner @ 12:30pm: Diane – brief explanation of the Scholarship; Award winners = Seth Chatwin, Brooklyn Kotter, Clayton Laurence, William Whitehead, Richard Worthen; each received $500; picture of scholarship winners taken; Diane will get a copy out to the recipients; note: discussed promoting awareness of scholarship for next year.
Leadership Minute: Haylie Worthen What you do has far greater impact than what you say!
SHS Good News/Principal’s Report (see good news below)
Treasurer’s Report: Kalai Jonson Income = $100; expendidtures = $3775; Bank Balance = $12416.93; talked about the Alpine Foundation (general operation of the foundation); all the feeder schools donated to SHS for the SHS PTSA Scholarships - a huge thank you; membership submission final count – Kalai will have that number when she closes out the SHS PTSA books for 2018-19; see treasurer’s report for breakdown of specific budgets; note that the amended budget items show up on the breakdown of each budget area; still a Battle of the Bands check outstanding; Kalai will contact the individual whom the check is written to; Melissa passed on the contact #.
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence closing social – ice cream social; feedback from the kids is they would rather do a monthly meetings; discussed how this would work; require more kids to be involved, etc.; feedback about different ways of contacting kids: liked the REMIND APP; talked about ‘pushing’ the Instagram acct.; discussed other social media platform possibilities;
Teacher Appreciation: Heather Brackett Thursday will be the final teacher appreciation soda bar; Heather is good to go; feel free to come down and visit; 11am – 1pm;
Grad Night report by Stacey and Amy; went over the different venues available at this time; mentioned possibly doing minute to win it during the ‘lull’ of Deal or No Deal; Jana, Liz, Rachel will be at the door to take $$; discussed volunteers how that is being done/is going; need to have Karen send out another reminder to Seniors for purchasing GRAD night tickets - presale; noted: need to clarify that GRAD night isn’t part of the Senior package; Diane will notify Karen; Amy will send a blurb to Karen also; will email requests for school tables and chairs; need to know if more tables and chairs need to be gathered from volunteers; sign up genius for volunteers – make sure the link is sent to Karen; noted that Graduation - we are only given 2 hours @ the Marriot Center; discussion about set-up on the 31st; Escape Room add time - from 11:30-2:30; see how it goes overlapping Deal or No Deal; Deal or No Deal will start at 2am; photo booth Mr. Mills but need back drop and props;
Board positions for next year: need a president elect; student involvement – Melissa; help with Battle of the Bands; Heather Brackett – Teacher Appreciation; need a membership chair; Brenda Diepeveen – Reflections; Piano Place interest in sponsoring Battle of Bands still in question
Council PTA Meeting - May 14th at 9:30am at Freedom Elementary - Training for next year’s president, secretary, and treasurer
State PTA Convention - May 16th & 17th registration at the door from here out; Region kick off is August 5th any PTA person who wants to come is invited to come; breakfast and lunch provided;
Anything else?
Thank you for a wonderful year! See you in August!
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting
April 9, 2019
Attendance: Diane, Rachel, Kalai, Jana, Melissa, Heather, Haylie, Marnee, Karen, Stacy
Volunteer Hours: 30 hours
Welcome: Diane Leslie - approve minutes, sign roll
Pledge of Allegiance Diane
Leadership Minute: Haylie Worthen For the real winners there are no finish lines
SHS Good News/Principal’s Report see below
Treasurer’s Report/Budget amendment: Kalai Jonson Teacher dinner budget amendment; legislative day at capitol and teacher dinner budgets will be increased next year; noted that GRAD night expenditures and income don’t come in until end of the year so keep this in mind as we plan forward; proposal to amend the Community Involvement/Teacher Appreciation portion of the budget an additional $500 for the SHS PTSA 2018-19 school year; no further discussion; all in favor; proposal to amend the Student Involvement/GRAD night budget an additional $1000 for the SHS PTSA 2018-19 year; no further discussion; all in favor; Expenditures = $32.42; Income = $570.46; total SHS balance = $16,091.93; $700 for the SHS PTSA scholarship collected from feeder schools for a current total of $2700 ($2000 from SHS budget); noted outstanding checks and discussed how to follow up.
PTA Convention dates for Convention are May 16-17 with early bird registration ending 4/11/19; discussed who might want/need to go.
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence April 25th is the next event; closing social has yet to be decided; idea to use the conference room so kids can have food – no food allowed in the D lecture room; bowling is on ‘the back burner’; Kalai would be willing to help with the next activity.
Teacher Appreciation: Heather Brackett year-end THANK YOU; in faculty room May 9th; set up a ‘soda bar’ with treats; 11am – to 1pm Heather will be in the faculty room; Admin will announce in May 1st faculty meeting and send out an email to teachers; Diane will help Heather with this event; SHS confirmed that we will have access to the ice machine;
PTSA Scholarship Deadline is 4/11/19; need for judges - 5 is a really good number; Heather will make all the applications ‘blind’ (Ashley Cook, Angie Parkin, Kalai, Marnee, Rachel will judge); 34 PTSA Seniors are possible applicants; Monday April 22nd the judging results will be due; Senior Recognition night as follows: student will get up and announce their award; kids who are there will be recognized and those who aren’t there will be in the program; will be run different this year – like an athletic signing event for corporations that are handing out awards; April 28th @ 6:30; SHS will recognize the awards they give;
Grad Night suggestion to not sell tickets too early; can bring tickets to Cory and sell when ready; ticket price $35 in advance and $40 at the door; noted the budget was amended for this year; need to make $7000 to cover the expenses so would like to take in $13000; discussion on financial difficulty ‘how-to’; volunteer sign-up will be sent out at the beginning of May – please make Admin aware of need to send out an email to Senior parents; spread the word - help in getting word out for volunteers.
Board positions for next year next month we will be talking about unelected board positions; please consider whether you are willing to continue serving.
Anything else? Next week will be Council recognition
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 7, at 12:00pm
Thank you for coming!
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting
March 12, 2019
Attendance: Diane, Heather, Ashley, Rachel, Melissa, Kalai, Joel, Liz, Karen, Marnee
Welcome: Diane Leslie - approve minutes, sign roll: minutes stand as written, no further discussion.
Welcome: Diane Leslie -
Pledge of Allegiance Diane
Leadership Minute: Haylie Worthen Strive for Perfection but recognize the progress we are making!
Principal’s Report: Dr. Perkins Administrative changes John LaBare, Thomas Paul, and Kevin Rich will be moving to different assignments next year; Jed Francis will be a new Assistant Principal, and Kari Shirk will be back as an Assistant Principal; SHS will have 25-ish new hires for next year; testing center discussion/news; ACT pilot school -working with ACT organization on working towards better ability for HS to interpret/use ACT data.
Election of Officers for 2019-20 Melissa move to allow for a voice vote of all candidates at same time; Heather 2nd; all in favor; Diane move to approve the following for 2019-20 SHS PTSA officers - President: Ashley Cook; Treasurer: Kalai Jonson; Secretary: Kathryn Enger; Legislative VP: Liz Shields; Leadership VP: Haylie Worthen; Karen 2nd the motion; all in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: Kalai Jonson Income $116; Expenses $1345.35; Balance on hand $15,553.89; note again – will need to increase Teacher Appreciation amount for 2019-20 due to the rising cost of meals for teacher dinners.
Battle of the Bands update 4x Single got 3rd at Region and moves on to State!
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence update on the Bowling activity idea and the closing social; reported that the fleece blankets the student arm did during a previous activity went to Road Home instead of Mountain Pointe Medical.
Legislative: Liz Shields ended up taking 18 students to PTSA day at the Capitol (original date was rescheduled due to a snow storm) ; Gig got a great cross section of students to attend this event; event included a mock debate about raising the tobacco purchase age; shared bus with Jr. High which was great; Mr. Griffith came as chaperone and was the ‘golden ticket/gem’ to the event – great closure; note that next year $12 per student ($218 for students) to go - possibility adding to budget ($100bus and $65 sub expenses, snack); more than 2 chaperones would be great; Thanks to Administration for helping make this happen – covering the cost.
PTSA Scholarship any input on the process?; discussion – mentioned about being involved in the Student arm of PTSA to qualify for the scholarship; currently they do have to be SHS PTSA members - service and community involvement are part of the application; how do we advertise?; discussion; email went out to every senior PTSA member parents and advertised on the SHS Counseling website
Grad Night moved to next month agenda;
Anything else? Thanks to everyone for contributing to Crystal Davies son’s funeral; she was very appreciative!
Next meeting: Tuesday, April 9 at 12:00pm
Thank you for coming!
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting
February 5, 2019
Attendance: Diane, Heather, Ashley, Rachel, Kathryn Enger, Liz, Marnee, Melissa, Kalai, Angie
Volunteer Hours: 52 hours
Welcome: Diane Leslie - approve minutes, sign roll: minutes stand as written, no further discussion.
Pledge of Allegiance Diane
Leadership Minute: Haylie Worthen
Principal’s Report: Dr. Perkins Good News @ SHS
Treasurer’s Report: Kalai Jonson see attached handouts; basic info as follow: Beginning balance = $17003.43; income / Sales Tax Refund, Battle of the Bands = $866.17; Expenditures / Student Involvement, December Teacher Appreciation, Skyridge Council Luncheon, Battle of Bands (prizes/expenses/cash box) = $1077.36; Balance Forward = $16792.24.
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence held activity in January and made 6 fleece blankets (probably could have done 8) that will be donated to Mountain Point Medical facility; student #’s were a little smaller than previous; discussion; mentioned possibility of a bowling party at end of year – discussion; possibility of an ice cream closing social as well discussed.
Teacher Dinners: Heather Brackett Mo Bettahs – Hawaiian BBQ will be providing the teacher dinner on Parent Teacher night, February 13th; will have 1 gluten free dish along with their traditional chicken and rice; reported that the Culinary Arts class was approached about providing the meal but they have a State competition so weren’t able to this time; they did agree to do the dessert; will see if this class can do the teacher dinner next fall; PTSA will provide the salad/rolls/paper products; Heather will set up on the 13th around 1:30, Liz/Diane/Kalai will come help set up and serve; ***note – this budget item will need to be increased next year!!
Battle of the Bands the group ‘4X Single’ will be moving on to Region competition March 2nd; a sponsor has come forward willing to help with next year’s event (more info. coming on ‘who’ the sponsor is); Wendy Belcher is still willing to be involved with the ‘night of’ event but has asked that we try to find someone who can be a mentor for bands earlier on in the school year; discussion on moving forward.
Reflections - Congrats to Region winners from Skyridge: Erin Daniels - Award of Excellence in Visual Arts 3D (moving on to State), Niki Diepeveen - Awards of Merit in Dance Choreography and Film Production, Macaslin Workman - Award of Merit in Visual Arts 2D review of Region competition.
Nominating Committee Report/Nominate Officers the Nominating Committee presented the following nominations for Skyridge High School PTSA 2019-20 officers: Ashley Cook – President; Kathryn Enger – Secretary; Liz Shields – Legislative; Kalai Jonson – Treasurer; Haylie Worthen – Leadership; no further nominations presented; nominations closed; official election will be next month; brief discussion about other PTSA positions needing to be filled next year.
Reminder - PTA Awards nominations due February 14 it was mentioned that SHS PTSA should fill out paperwork for the Development Award using the development of the SHS Scholarship as the basis; discussion on PTA Awards.
Grad Night the Grad night committee has been meeting (Amy Kunz and Stacey Bateman); Heather will help with food, Liz offered to help with 1st shift, Marnee will help with Grad night set-up; discussion about various aspects of GRAD night volunteering; move further discussion of this item to next month’s agenda.
Anything else? Principal Perkins mentioned that next year SHS will have a new 14 classroom satellite moved on site; the current plan is to have it on the North side of the school (an extension of the ‘B’ wing) where the buses now drop off; bus drop off will be relocated to the South of the school along the marching band practice field area; Liz and Angie will be taking a group of 20 students (sharing a bus with Lehi Jr. High) to the Student-day-at-the-Capitol tomorrow; discussed possibility of bringing a light snack for the students (granola bars, clementines); noted that the students will be fed lunch there.
Wed 2/6 - PTA Day at the Capitol for SHS students (Tues 2/12 for anyone else who wants to go)
Wed 2/13 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (serve meal)
Wed 2/20 - ACT Day/Reality Town
Sat 3/2 - Region Battle of the Bands
Tues 3/5 - PTSA General Membership Meeting to elect officers
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 5 at 12:00pm
Thank you for coming!
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting
January 8, 2019
Attendance: Marnee, Ashley, Melissa, Diane, Heather, Cami, Joel, Rachel, Kalai, Liz, Haylie, Angie
Volunteer Hours recorded: 48 hours
Welcome: Diane Leslie
Pledge of Allegiance
Minutes from last meeting will stand as written
Leadership Minute: Haylie Worthen To Dream Big Start Small but most of all start!!
Principals Report: Dr. Perkins school wide incentives are to help SHS get ahead of the curve; 88.13% currently passing; one day left to reach 90% passing goal for Food Truck reward (about 60 kids shy of the goal); knowing who is failing, their attendance, etc. helps in discussions with faculty; discussion about ending term before the holidays; went over ‘good news’ @ SHS (see below); ASD is partnering with United Way on their “United Way = Everyday Strong” initiative (breakdown of what an individual needs to thrive, how they react and how we can provide support - an adult resource); discussion regarding mental health and SHS policy/plan regarding Mental Health (what they are doing); Stake Holder input – what would patrons like to see; input: community/club involvement, honor/high honor, explain state report card, number of clubs/kids in clubs, include something about how we as Stakeholders can invest, focus on the positive going on at SHS.
Treasurers Report: Kalai Jonson Expenditures = $318.23, Income = 31.05, Bank to Carry forward = $17,003.43; see attached Treasurers report; noted that Reflections went over but was nominal so no need amend budget.
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence next meeting is January 30 (a Wednesday) during Skytime; doing fleece blankets in D wing lecture hall; discussion.
Teacher Appreciation: Heather Brackett Christmas for faculty and staff - ‘Merry Kissmas and a Chappy New Year’ bags; handed out extras to attendees; February 13 is next teacher dinner; discussion about difficulty of getting businesses to donate for the teacher dinner; Mrs. McNight, foods teacher, is looking into doing the dinner for us; would be great to support a SHS organization; discussion.
Nominating Committee Nominating Committee - Diane, Melissa, Angie and alternates Marnee/Cami; Positions needed filling for next year - President Elect; February meeting should present ideas for these positions.
Battle of the Bands Friday, Jan 18th; will follow up Wendy regarding volunteers; Diane, Rachel and Melissa will attend to handle cash box/Square; Liz or Heather maybe.
PTA Awards – Nominations due February 14. Categories include: Outstanding Educator, Outstanding Volunteer, Outstanding School Administrator, Outstanding Support Staff, Spirit of PTA, Spirit of Inclusivity, Advocacy, Development and Inolvement. Brief discussion informing about what these awards are; let Diane know if there is anyone you’d like to nominate; under Development – submit for our SHS PTSA scholarship writing; possibly get Jennifer Grover to write a letter about how the scholarship affected Josh.
Council Reflections Awards of Excellence, moving on to Region:
Dance: Niki Diepeveen; Film: Niki Diepeveen; Literature: Macaslin Workkman; Photography: Bonnie Atkinson; Visual Arts 2D: Macaslin Workman; Visual Arts 3D: Erin Daniels.
Anything else? Next month talking about Grad night; Reality Town coming up; discussion regarding Soph and Senior activity on that same day (College and job shadowing).
Fri 1/18 - Battle of the Bands
Tues 1/22 - Council PTA 9:30am
Tues 2/5 - SHS PTSA general membership meeting to nominate officers
Tues 2/12 - PTA Day at the Capitol
Wed 2/13 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (serve meal)
Wed 2/20 - ACT Day/Reality Town
Next meeting: Tuesday, February 5 at 12:00pm
Thank you for coming!
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes
November 6, 2018
Attendance: Marnee, Amy, Ashley, Melissa, Diane, Heather, Cami, Haylie, Joel, Rachel, Angie
Welcome: Diane Leslie
Pledge of Allegiance
Leadership Minute: Haylie Worthen Words may inspire but only action creates change
Principal's Report: Dr. Perkins recognition 1458 honor/high honor students – candy bar recognition; reached term 1 challenge 90% students passing; currently 91.4%; The Ridge competed at National film festival; Marching Band took 3rd in State; Cinderella practices are under way; college application week this week; Counseling dept. is having a FAFSA night; question about parent needing to come, discussion; fine arts concerts over past month; 15 students qualified for Academic All State this fall; Vball won State Championship; football won Region title and is currently in the semi-finals; modified schedule for semi-final Friday; orange is the color for that day; KJZZ is broadcasting the game; tryouts for Bball underway; Wrestling has started practice; swim at St. George report; Cross Country report; questions about the Sadies dance; discussed dance protocol - de-escalate emotions at dance to keep control, decision made to shut the dance down in response to kids not following instructions; discussion regarding Admins response and future possible solutions; Sadies is typically the most challenging dance; discussion;
Treasurer's Report: Ashley Cook see Treasurers Report handout
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence 16 students showed up for last activity (all were on the paid list); 25 treat bags were made; this month is faculty thankful treats; 220 faculty and staff; share any ideas for January and March with Melissa; possible suggestion about changing PTSA student meeting to Wednesday; mentioned fleece blankets activity last year - black Friday is great time to purchase fleece/goes on sale; possible places to donate blankets – ambulance, keep them on board; fire station a possiblilty too.
Advocacy Conference Diane and Heather attended; focused a lot on mental and emotional health; Nov. 28 NAMI (Diane will look into this and pass the information on to either Joel and or Lynn) is coming to put on a student parent night with student and parent separate sessions at Lehi Jr @ 7pm; pass the word along; open to the community; discussion of ‘safe UT’ app which is on-line way to report issues (suicide, etc.); is SHS student body aware of this app; discussion.
Teacher Appreciation: Heather Brackett Christmas staff appreciation; discussion about how delivered; don’t want to interrupt teachers teaching; discussion.
Membership Update/PTSA Scholarship 368 memberships currently; deadline to join PTSA is Dec. 1st.
Reflections Report by Mr. Mills.
Renew Bylaws any input or discussion on bylaws; Melissa move to approve bylaws as affirmed, Heather 2nd, all in favor.
Elect Nominating Committee Nominating Committee will be Diane, Melissa, Angie and alternates Marnee/Cami; Positions needed filling for next year - President Elect; Diane move to elect the above individuals to the nominating committee; Haylie 2nd; all in favor. Nominee’s needed by Feb.
Battle of the Bands encourage any community bands to come participate; Jan 18th;
Anything else?
November 15 Student Involvement Activity during Skytime
November 20 Council PTA meeting 9:30
November 21-23 Thanksgiving Break
December 1 Deadline for seniors to join PTSA to be eligible for PTSA scholarship
Thank you for coming!
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes
October 2, 2018
Attendance: Rachel, Ashley, Diane, Marnee, Kalai, Melissa, Haylie, Joel, Stacy, Amy, Heather, Liz, Erin, Cami. Volunteer hours for the month = 34
Welcome: Diane Leslie
Pledge of Allegiance: Diane
Leadership Minute: Haylie Worthen “Leadership is not a journey to rise in the ranks, leadership is a journey to help those around us rise.”
Principal’s Report: Dr. Perkins Parent teacher conf. feedback; liked college reps in the commons; liked the scholarship class; clearer communication for presentation times for schools (UVU/BYU); discussion about why PT Conferences are so early in September, discussion about Canvas w/ASD implementation; noted that clubs are responsible for membership drives, etc.; discussion - teacher feedback about value of parent conferences (a better way but what is it); 2863 SHS population as of Oct. 1 - project about 200 additional students next year; anticipation of additional classrooms/trailers for next year; discussion about UHSSA realignment/classification procedure. See good news below!
Mr. Mills: Skills and TSA competitions - plug to spread word for these clubs; noted that many students in these clubs come away from competitions with scholarships; room C129 for turning in Reflections submissions; can get forms in this room as well.
Membership Update 14 teacher memberships so far; 370 total memberships this year - so far.
Bylaws Will be posted and voted on next month
Treasurer’s Report: Kalai Jonson went over the Treasurers report.
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence September opening social - not as big a turnout as liked; done in D lecture hall rather than in the common area; 29 students ended up coming - 17 who paid on-line; reminder given to those not on the official PTSA list to join; this month meeting, Oct. 11th, will be putting together trick or treat bags for Utah Valley Medical Center; students will meet in D wing lecture hall again; Melissa will send out reminders; working on Nov. gratitude activity (2nd term activity).
Teacher Dinners: Heather Brackett Report on teacher dinner; ordered about the same amount of food as last year but had less left over; noted: teachers were encouraged to take 2 slices right from the beginning; gluten free discussion; liked licorice; WalMart subs; discussion about feeding 220 w/ budget of $500 each meal; mentioned that Costa Vida did the region luncheon for $3/person; send along suggestions/ideas for Feb. teacher dinner to Heather; restated that the budget for teacher appreciation for this year is $1800.
Anything else? Mentioned Legislative info about Prop 2 (medical marijuana) and Question 1 (gas tax); brief discussion; Diane will email links out to the board stating the PTA’s position on these 2 items; encouraged to do your own research!
October 15 B Reflections entries due at Skyridge
October 16 B Utah PTA Advocacy Conference
October 18-22 B Fall Break
November 1 - Reflections entries due to Council
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 6 at 12:00pm
Thank you for coming!
SHS PTSA Meeting Minutes
September 4, 2018 @ 12pm / SHS Conference Room
Attendance: Heather Brackett, Diane Leslie, Kalai Jonson, Lyndsay Detro, Marnee Lemon, Liz Shields, Melissa Laurence, Angie Parkin, Haylie Worthen, Joel Perkins, Stacy Bateman, Amy Kunz
Volunteer hours for the month = 69 hours
Welcome and introduce SHS PTSA board members: Diane
Pledge of Allegiance: Diane
Leadership minute: Haylie, the essence of the message is ‘pull together/work together’
Principal’s report: Great orange carpet welcome by student council first day of school; Skytime started today; instructions on Skytime were sent out via email; Principal Perkins gave a brief overview of how Skytime works, what teachers do, what is expected of students, what parents can expect; club rush is this week; underclassman play is happening this week (a way for Mr. Brown to build comraderie among underclassmen); also auditions for the two future plays this year are this week; Chick fil A night went well; can pay club fees on One Stop under optional fees; question about getting PTSA student activity into Skytime schedule; discussion about informing kids of meetings etc.; summer activities overview; athletic review (football, tennis, soccer, golf, cross country, vball); question about sanction of lacrosse spring of 20-21;
By-laws: This is the year to renew our By-laws; next month come with any suggested changes; we’ll vote to approve the By-laws at next meeting as they are or with any suggested changes.
Ethics/Conflict of Interest/Fiscal Management: Kalai Jonson - overview/review of the Ethics and Fiscal forms by Kalai; sent around the signature page for Fiscal Management form and Ethics form; Conflict of Interest – Kalai went over what a conflict definition is and what it means to represent PTA; Heather will review the bank statement each month before handing over to the President & Treasurer.
Budget/Treasurers Report: Kalai Kalai presented the budget (see below); NOTE - it was posted at the Region 9 meeting held in August; mentioned the scholarship donations category, where is it in the budget; discussion; Kalai moved to approve the budget for 2018-19 as proposed; no further discussion; all in favor; Diane concluded - the motion to approve the budget passed. Income was $36.51 – Sales Tax Refund and Expenditures were $125 – audit fee.
Membership/Back to School Night Report: Diane – DON’T FORGET TO JOIN SHS PTSA; financial office and on-line memberships = 337 plus 11 more @ back to school night; SHS should be able to run the report of members now (including just the student list); staff ‘join SHS PTSA’ envelopes will be put in their boxes by next week; Joel will mention this at the SHS staff meeting tomorrow.
Teacher dinners (September 12): Heather Brackett – Liz can help come set up; Diane/Marnee/Kalai will help serve at 1:30.
Reflections: Mr. Mills ‘Heroes Around Me’ is the theme; discussion about plans to promote Reflections; deadline is October 15th; entry forms are on-line or Mr. Mills will copy off some forms and have them available in his room; participants need to drop off their entries in Mr. Mills classroom - C 129 – no later than Oct. 15th.
Battle of the Bands: Friday, January 18th is the date; spread the word!
Instagram account: SHS PTSA now has an Instagram account; let Diane know if you would help post pictures; send anything to be posted to Diane or Melissa; discussion on how to get people to follow – game/incentives.
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence - Opening social is this Thursday – September 6th; rootbeer float opening social; will be held in Lecture hall in D wing; sign up Remind to 81010 @deb7ha for students to get a text reminder, parents too; 49 students are currently on the ‘Remind’ list (about 4 are parents); still working on who will be the student rep for this year; next student activity date is Oct 11; Oct. activity is tentatively putting together Halloween trick or treat bags for a local hospital; should Melissa submit dates for entire year or….; however Melissa wants to schedule dates is fine.
Miscellaneous: Lunch room is looking for student ‘lunch workers’; approximately 2900 students attending SHS this year (644 seniors, 743 juniors, 690 sophomores, 711 freshman).
Q and A with the Principal: attendance policy discussion, new junior high ‘opening’ projection; enrollment discussion; literacy program discussion.
Sept. 12 Parent Teacher Conf. (PTSA will provide a meal for staff)
Sept. 18 Council PTA meeting
Oct. 2 Skyridge PTSA Board meeting
Oct. 15 Reflections entries due at local level
Oct. 16 Utah PTA Advocacy Conf.
Oct. 18-22 Fall Break
Next SHS PTSA meeting: Tuesday October 2 @ 12pm
Skyridge PTSA Meeting Minutes
May 1, 2018
Attended: Diane Leslie, Ashley Cook, Lara Bangerter, Haylie Worthen, Heather Brackett, Kalai Jonson, Marnee Lemon, Karen Ashman, Rachel Spencer, Dr. Perkins.
Volunteer Hours: 57 hours
Approve Minutes: Haylie Worthen motioned to approve the minutes. Heather Brackett seconded.
Leadership: Haylie
May 6, 2019
Attendance (sign roll): Diane, Rachel, Kalai, Heather, Melissa, Ashley, Jana, Kathryn, Stacy, Amy, Mr. Mills, Liz, Marnee, Haylie.
Volunteer Hours: 73 hours
Approval of minutes as written; no further discussion;
Pledge of Allegiance Diane
Presentation of the Skyridge PTSA 2019 Scholarships to each winner @ 12:30pm: Diane – brief explanation of the Scholarship; Award winners = Seth Chatwin, Brooklyn Kotter, Clayton Laurence, William Whitehead, Richard Worthen; each received $500; picture of scholarship winners taken; Diane will get a copy out to the recipients; note: discussed promoting awareness of scholarship for next year.
Leadership Minute: Haylie Worthen What you do has far greater impact than what you say!
SHS Good News/Principal’s Report (see good news below)
Treasurer’s Report: Kalai Jonson Income = $100; expendidtures = $3775; Bank Balance = $12416.93; talked about the Alpine Foundation (general operation of the foundation); all the feeder schools donated to SHS for the SHS PTSA Scholarships - a huge thank you; membership submission final count – Kalai will have that number when she closes out the SHS PTSA books for 2018-19; see treasurer’s report for breakdown of specific budgets; note that the amended budget items show up on the breakdown of each budget area; still a Battle of the Bands check outstanding; Kalai will contact the individual whom the check is written to; Melissa passed on the contact #.
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence closing social – ice cream social; feedback from the kids is they would rather do a monthly meetings; discussed how this would work; require more kids to be involved, etc.; feedback about different ways of contacting kids: liked the REMIND APP; talked about ‘pushing’ the Instagram acct.; discussed other social media platform possibilities;
Teacher Appreciation: Heather Brackett Thursday will be the final teacher appreciation soda bar; Heather is good to go; feel free to come down and visit; 11am – 1pm;
Grad Night report by Stacey and Amy; went over the different venues available at this time; mentioned possibly doing minute to win it during the ‘lull’ of Deal or No Deal; Jana, Liz, Rachel will be at the door to take $$; discussed volunteers how that is being done/is going; need to have Karen send out another reminder to Seniors for purchasing GRAD night tickets - presale; noted: need to clarify that GRAD night isn’t part of the Senior package; Diane will notify Karen; Amy will send a blurb to Karen also; will email requests for school tables and chairs; need to know if more tables and chairs need to be gathered from volunteers; sign up genius for volunteers – make sure the link is sent to Karen; noted that Graduation - we are only given 2 hours @ the Marriot Center; discussion about set-up on the 31st; Escape Room add time - from 11:30-2:30; see how it goes overlapping Deal or No Deal; Deal or No Deal will start at 2am; photo booth Mr. Mills but need back drop and props;
Board positions for next year: need a president elect; student involvement – Melissa; help with Battle of the Bands; Heather Brackett – Teacher Appreciation; need a membership chair; Brenda Diepeveen – Reflections; Piano Place interest in sponsoring Battle of Bands still in question
Council PTA Meeting - May 14th at 9:30am at Freedom Elementary - Training for next year’s president, secretary, and treasurer
State PTA Convention - May 16th & 17th registration at the door from here out; Region kick off is August 5th any PTA person who wants to come is invited to come; breakfast and lunch provided;
Anything else?
Thank you for a wonderful year! See you in August!
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting
April 9, 2019
Attendance: Diane, Rachel, Kalai, Jana, Melissa, Heather, Haylie, Marnee, Karen, Stacy
Volunteer Hours: 30 hours
Welcome: Diane Leslie - approve minutes, sign roll
Pledge of Allegiance Diane
Leadership Minute: Haylie Worthen For the real winners there are no finish lines
SHS Good News/Principal’s Report see below
Treasurer’s Report/Budget amendment: Kalai Jonson Teacher dinner budget amendment; legislative day at capitol and teacher dinner budgets will be increased next year; noted that GRAD night expenditures and income don’t come in until end of the year so keep this in mind as we plan forward; proposal to amend the Community Involvement/Teacher Appreciation portion of the budget an additional $500 for the SHS PTSA 2018-19 school year; no further discussion; all in favor; proposal to amend the Student Involvement/GRAD night budget an additional $1000 for the SHS PTSA 2018-19 year; no further discussion; all in favor; Expenditures = $32.42; Income = $570.46; total SHS balance = $16,091.93; $700 for the SHS PTSA scholarship collected from feeder schools for a current total of $2700 ($2000 from SHS budget); noted outstanding checks and discussed how to follow up.
PTA Convention dates for Convention are May 16-17 with early bird registration ending 4/11/19; discussed who might want/need to go.
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence April 25th is the next event; closing social has yet to be decided; idea to use the conference room so kids can have food – no food allowed in the D lecture room; bowling is on ‘the back burner’; Kalai would be willing to help with the next activity.
Teacher Appreciation: Heather Brackett year-end THANK YOU; in faculty room May 9th; set up a ‘soda bar’ with treats; 11am – to 1pm Heather will be in the faculty room; Admin will announce in May 1st faculty meeting and send out an email to teachers; Diane will help Heather with this event; SHS confirmed that we will have access to the ice machine;
PTSA Scholarship Deadline is 4/11/19; need for judges - 5 is a really good number; Heather will make all the applications ‘blind’ (Ashley Cook, Angie Parkin, Kalai, Marnee, Rachel will judge); 34 PTSA Seniors are possible applicants; Monday April 22nd the judging results will be due; Senior Recognition night as follows: student will get up and announce their award; kids who are there will be recognized and those who aren’t there will be in the program; will be run different this year – like an athletic signing event for corporations that are handing out awards; April 28th @ 6:30; SHS will recognize the awards they give;
Grad Night suggestion to not sell tickets too early; can bring tickets to Cory and sell when ready; ticket price $35 in advance and $40 at the door; noted the budget was amended for this year; need to make $7000 to cover the expenses so would like to take in $13000; discussion on financial difficulty ‘how-to’; volunteer sign-up will be sent out at the beginning of May – please make Admin aware of need to send out an email to Senior parents; spread the word - help in getting word out for volunteers.
Board positions for next year next month we will be talking about unelected board positions; please consider whether you are willing to continue serving.
Anything else? Next week will be Council recognition
Next meeting: Tuesday, May 7, at 12:00pm
Thank you for coming!
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting
March 12, 2019
Attendance: Diane, Heather, Ashley, Rachel, Melissa, Kalai, Joel, Liz, Karen, Marnee
Welcome: Diane Leslie - approve minutes, sign roll: minutes stand as written, no further discussion.
Welcome: Diane Leslie -
Pledge of Allegiance Diane
Leadership Minute: Haylie Worthen Strive for Perfection but recognize the progress we are making!
Principal’s Report: Dr. Perkins Administrative changes John LaBare, Thomas Paul, and Kevin Rich will be moving to different assignments next year; Jed Francis will be a new Assistant Principal, and Kari Shirk will be back as an Assistant Principal; SHS will have 25-ish new hires for next year; testing center discussion/news; ACT pilot school -working with ACT organization on working towards better ability for HS to interpret/use ACT data.
Election of Officers for 2019-20 Melissa move to allow for a voice vote of all candidates at same time; Heather 2nd; all in favor; Diane move to approve the following for 2019-20 SHS PTSA officers - President: Ashley Cook; Treasurer: Kalai Jonson; Secretary: Kathryn Enger; Legislative VP: Liz Shields; Leadership VP: Haylie Worthen; Karen 2nd the motion; all in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: Kalai Jonson Income $116; Expenses $1345.35; Balance on hand $15,553.89; note again – will need to increase Teacher Appreciation amount for 2019-20 due to the rising cost of meals for teacher dinners.
Battle of the Bands update 4x Single got 3rd at Region and moves on to State!
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence update on the Bowling activity idea and the closing social; reported that the fleece blankets the student arm did during a previous activity went to Road Home instead of Mountain Pointe Medical.
Legislative: Liz Shields ended up taking 18 students to PTSA day at the Capitol (original date was rescheduled due to a snow storm) ; Gig got a great cross section of students to attend this event; event included a mock debate about raising the tobacco purchase age; shared bus with Jr. High which was great; Mr. Griffith came as chaperone and was the ‘golden ticket/gem’ to the event – great closure; note that next year $12 per student ($218 for students) to go - possibility adding to budget ($100bus and $65 sub expenses, snack); more than 2 chaperones would be great; Thanks to Administration for helping make this happen – covering the cost.
PTSA Scholarship any input on the process?; discussion – mentioned about being involved in the Student arm of PTSA to qualify for the scholarship; currently they do have to be SHS PTSA members - service and community involvement are part of the application; how do we advertise?; discussion; email went out to every senior PTSA member parents and advertised on the SHS Counseling website
Grad Night moved to next month agenda;
Anything else? Thanks to everyone for contributing to Crystal Davies son’s funeral; she was very appreciative!
Next meeting: Tuesday, April 9 at 12:00pm
Thank you for coming!
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting
February 5, 2019
Attendance: Diane, Heather, Ashley, Rachel, Kathryn Enger, Liz, Marnee, Melissa, Kalai, Angie
Volunteer Hours: 52 hours
Welcome: Diane Leslie - approve minutes, sign roll: minutes stand as written, no further discussion.
Pledge of Allegiance Diane
Leadership Minute: Haylie Worthen
Principal’s Report: Dr. Perkins Good News @ SHS
Treasurer’s Report: Kalai Jonson see attached handouts; basic info as follow: Beginning balance = $17003.43; income / Sales Tax Refund, Battle of the Bands = $866.17; Expenditures / Student Involvement, December Teacher Appreciation, Skyridge Council Luncheon, Battle of Bands (prizes/expenses/cash box) = $1077.36; Balance Forward = $16792.24.
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence held activity in January and made 6 fleece blankets (probably could have done 8) that will be donated to Mountain Point Medical facility; student #’s were a little smaller than previous; discussion; mentioned possibility of a bowling party at end of year – discussion; possibility of an ice cream closing social as well discussed.
Teacher Dinners: Heather Brackett Mo Bettahs – Hawaiian BBQ will be providing the teacher dinner on Parent Teacher night, February 13th; will have 1 gluten free dish along with their traditional chicken and rice; reported that the Culinary Arts class was approached about providing the meal but they have a State competition so weren’t able to this time; they did agree to do the dessert; will see if this class can do the teacher dinner next fall; PTSA will provide the salad/rolls/paper products; Heather will set up on the 13th around 1:30, Liz/Diane/Kalai will come help set up and serve; ***note – this budget item will need to be increased next year!!
Battle of the Bands the group ‘4X Single’ will be moving on to Region competition March 2nd; a sponsor has come forward willing to help with next year’s event (more info. coming on ‘who’ the sponsor is); Wendy Belcher is still willing to be involved with the ‘night of’ event but has asked that we try to find someone who can be a mentor for bands earlier on in the school year; discussion on moving forward.
Reflections - Congrats to Region winners from Skyridge: Erin Daniels - Award of Excellence in Visual Arts 3D (moving on to State), Niki Diepeveen - Awards of Merit in Dance Choreography and Film Production, Macaslin Workman - Award of Merit in Visual Arts 2D review of Region competition.
Nominating Committee Report/Nominate Officers the Nominating Committee presented the following nominations for Skyridge High School PTSA 2019-20 officers: Ashley Cook – President; Kathryn Enger – Secretary; Liz Shields – Legislative; Kalai Jonson – Treasurer; Haylie Worthen – Leadership; no further nominations presented; nominations closed; official election will be next month; brief discussion about other PTSA positions needing to be filled next year.
Reminder - PTA Awards nominations due February 14 it was mentioned that SHS PTSA should fill out paperwork for the Development Award using the development of the SHS Scholarship as the basis; discussion on PTA Awards.
Grad Night the Grad night committee has been meeting (Amy Kunz and Stacey Bateman); Heather will help with food, Liz offered to help with 1st shift, Marnee will help with Grad night set-up; discussion about various aspects of GRAD night volunteering; move further discussion of this item to next month’s agenda.
Anything else? Principal Perkins mentioned that next year SHS will have a new 14 classroom satellite moved on site; the current plan is to have it on the North side of the school (an extension of the ‘B’ wing) where the buses now drop off; bus drop off will be relocated to the South of the school along the marching band practice field area; Liz and Angie will be taking a group of 20 students (sharing a bus with Lehi Jr. High) to the Student-day-at-the-Capitol tomorrow; discussed possibility of bringing a light snack for the students (granola bars, clementines); noted that the students will be fed lunch there.
Wed 2/6 - PTA Day at the Capitol for SHS students (Tues 2/12 for anyone else who wants to go)
Wed 2/13 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (serve meal)
Wed 2/20 - ACT Day/Reality Town
Sat 3/2 - Region Battle of the Bands
Tues 3/5 - PTSA General Membership Meeting to elect officers
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 5 at 12:00pm
Thank you for coming!
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting
January 8, 2019
Attendance: Marnee, Ashley, Melissa, Diane, Heather, Cami, Joel, Rachel, Kalai, Liz, Haylie, Angie
Volunteer Hours recorded: 48 hours
Welcome: Diane Leslie
Pledge of Allegiance
Minutes from last meeting will stand as written
Leadership Minute: Haylie Worthen To Dream Big Start Small but most of all start!!
Principals Report: Dr. Perkins school wide incentives are to help SHS get ahead of the curve; 88.13% currently passing; one day left to reach 90% passing goal for Food Truck reward (about 60 kids shy of the goal); knowing who is failing, their attendance, etc. helps in discussions with faculty; discussion about ending term before the holidays; went over ‘good news’ @ SHS (see below); ASD is partnering with United Way on their “United Way = Everyday Strong” initiative (breakdown of what an individual needs to thrive, how they react and how we can provide support - an adult resource); discussion regarding mental health and SHS policy/plan regarding Mental Health (what they are doing); Stake Holder input – what would patrons like to see; input: community/club involvement, honor/high honor, explain state report card, number of clubs/kids in clubs, include something about how we as Stakeholders can invest, focus on the positive going on at SHS.
Treasurers Report: Kalai Jonson Expenditures = $318.23, Income = 31.05, Bank to Carry forward = $17,003.43; see attached Treasurers report; noted that Reflections went over but was nominal so no need amend budget.
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence next meeting is January 30 (a Wednesday) during Skytime; doing fleece blankets in D wing lecture hall; discussion.
Teacher Appreciation: Heather Brackett Christmas for faculty and staff - ‘Merry Kissmas and a Chappy New Year’ bags; handed out extras to attendees; February 13 is next teacher dinner; discussion about difficulty of getting businesses to donate for the teacher dinner; Mrs. McNight, foods teacher, is looking into doing the dinner for us; would be great to support a SHS organization; discussion.
Nominating Committee Nominating Committee - Diane, Melissa, Angie and alternates Marnee/Cami; Positions needed filling for next year - President Elect; February meeting should present ideas for these positions.
Battle of the Bands Friday, Jan 18th; will follow up Wendy regarding volunteers; Diane, Rachel and Melissa will attend to handle cash box/Square; Liz or Heather maybe.
PTA Awards – Nominations due February 14. Categories include: Outstanding Educator, Outstanding Volunteer, Outstanding School Administrator, Outstanding Support Staff, Spirit of PTA, Spirit of Inclusivity, Advocacy, Development and Inolvement. Brief discussion informing about what these awards are; let Diane know if there is anyone you’d like to nominate; under Development – submit for our SHS PTSA scholarship writing; possibly get Jennifer Grover to write a letter about how the scholarship affected Josh.
Council Reflections Awards of Excellence, moving on to Region:
Dance: Niki Diepeveen; Film: Niki Diepeveen; Literature: Macaslin Workkman; Photography: Bonnie Atkinson; Visual Arts 2D: Macaslin Workman; Visual Arts 3D: Erin Daniels.
Anything else? Next month talking about Grad night; Reality Town coming up; discussion regarding Soph and Senior activity on that same day (College and job shadowing).
Fri 1/18 - Battle of the Bands
Tues 1/22 - Council PTA 9:30am
Tues 2/5 - SHS PTSA general membership meeting to nominate officers
Tues 2/12 - PTA Day at the Capitol
Wed 2/13 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (serve meal)
Wed 2/20 - ACT Day/Reality Town
Next meeting: Tuesday, February 5 at 12:00pm
Thank you for coming!
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes
November 6, 2018
Attendance: Marnee, Amy, Ashley, Melissa, Diane, Heather, Cami, Haylie, Joel, Rachel, Angie
Welcome: Diane Leslie
Pledge of Allegiance
Leadership Minute: Haylie Worthen Words may inspire but only action creates change
Principal's Report: Dr. Perkins recognition 1458 honor/high honor students – candy bar recognition; reached term 1 challenge 90% students passing; currently 91.4%; The Ridge competed at National film festival; Marching Band took 3rd in State; Cinderella practices are under way; college application week this week; Counseling dept. is having a FAFSA night; question about parent needing to come, discussion; fine arts concerts over past month; 15 students qualified for Academic All State this fall; Vball won State Championship; football won Region title and is currently in the semi-finals; modified schedule for semi-final Friday; orange is the color for that day; KJZZ is broadcasting the game; tryouts for Bball underway; Wrestling has started practice; swim at St. George report; Cross Country report; questions about the Sadies dance; discussed dance protocol - de-escalate emotions at dance to keep control, decision made to shut the dance down in response to kids not following instructions; discussion regarding Admins response and future possible solutions; Sadies is typically the most challenging dance; discussion;
Treasurer's Report: Ashley Cook see Treasurers Report handout
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence 16 students showed up for last activity (all were on the paid list); 25 treat bags were made; this month is faculty thankful treats; 220 faculty and staff; share any ideas for January and March with Melissa; possible suggestion about changing PTSA student meeting to Wednesday; mentioned fleece blankets activity last year - black Friday is great time to purchase fleece/goes on sale; possible places to donate blankets – ambulance, keep them on board; fire station a possiblilty too.
Advocacy Conference Diane and Heather attended; focused a lot on mental and emotional health; Nov. 28 NAMI (Diane will look into this and pass the information on to either Joel and or Lynn) is coming to put on a student parent night with student and parent separate sessions at Lehi Jr @ 7pm; pass the word along; open to the community; discussion of ‘safe UT’ app which is on-line way to report issues (suicide, etc.); is SHS student body aware of this app; discussion.
Teacher Appreciation: Heather Brackett Christmas staff appreciation; discussion about how delivered; don’t want to interrupt teachers teaching; discussion.
Membership Update/PTSA Scholarship 368 memberships currently; deadline to join PTSA is Dec. 1st.
Reflections Report by Mr. Mills.
Renew Bylaws any input or discussion on bylaws; Melissa move to approve bylaws as affirmed, Heather 2nd, all in favor.
Elect Nominating Committee Nominating Committee will be Diane, Melissa, Angie and alternates Marnee/Cami; Positions needed filling for next year - President Elect; Diane move to elect the above individuals to the nominating committee; Haylie 2nd; all in favor. Nominee’s needed by Feb.
Battle of the Bands encourage any community bands to come participate; Jan 18th;
Anything else?
November 15 Student Involvement Activity during Skytime
November 20 Council PTA meeting 9:30
November 21-23 Thanksgiving Break
December 1 Deadline for seniors to join PTSA to be eligible for PTSA scholarship
Thank you for coming!
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes
October 2, 2018
Attendance: Rachel, Ashley, Diane, Marnee, Kalai, Melissa, Haylie, Joel, Stacy, Amy, Heather, Liz, Erin, Cami. Volunteer hours for the month = 34
Welcome: Diane Leslie
Pledge of Allegiance: Diane
Leadership Minute: Haylie Worthen “Leadership is not a journey to rise in the ranks, leadership is a journey to help those around us rise.”
Principal’s Report: Dr. Perkins Parent teacher conf. feedback; liked college reps in the commons; liked the scholarship class; clearer communication for presentation times for schools (UVU/BYU); discussion about why PT Conferences are so early in September, discussion about Canvas w/ASD implementation; noted that clubs are responsible for membership drives, etc.; discussion - teacher feedback about value of parent conferences (a better way but what is it); 2863 SHS population as of Oct. 1 - project about 200 additional students next year; anticipation of additional classrooms/trailers for next year; discussion about UHSSA realignment/classification procedure. See good news below!
Mr. Mills: Skills and TSA competitions - plug to spread word for these clubs; noted that many students in these clubs come away from competitions with scholarships; room C129 for turning in Reflections submissions; can get forms in this room as well.
Membership Update 14 teacher memberships so far; 370 total memberships this year - so far.
Bylaws Will be posted and voted on next month
Treasurer’s Report: Kalai Jonson went over the Treasurers report.
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence September opening social - not as big a turnout as liked; done in D lecture hall rather than in the common area; 29 students ended up coming - 17 who paid on-line; reminder given to those not on the official PTSA list to join; this month meeting, Oct. 11th, will be putting together trick or treat bags for Utah Valley Medical Center; students will meet in D wing lecture hall again; Melissa will send out reminders; working on Nov. gratitude activity (2nd term activity).
Teacher Dinners: Heather Brackett Report on teacher dinner; ordered about the same amount of food as last year but had less left over; noted: teachers were encouraged to take 2 slices right from the beginning; gluten free discussion; liked licorice; WalMart subs; discussion about feeding 220 w/ budget of $500 each meal; mentioned that Costa Vida did the region luncheon for $3/person; send along suggestions/ideas for Feb. teacher dinner to Heather; restated that the budget for teacher appreciation for this year is $1800.
Anything else? Mentioned Legislative info about Prop 2 (medical marijuana) and Question 1 (gas tax); brief discussion; Diane will email links out to the board stating the PTA’s position on these 2 items; encouraged to do your own research!
October 15 B Reflections entries due at Skyridge
October 16 B Utah PTA Advocacy Conference
October 18-22 B Fall Break
November 1 - Reflections entries due to Council
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 6 at 12:00pm
Thank you for coming!
SHS PTSA Meeting Minutes
September 4, 2018 @ 12pm / SHS Conference Room
Attendance: Heather Brackett, Diane Leslie, Kalai Jonson, Lyndsay Detro, Marnee Lemon, Liz Shields, Melissa Laurence, Angie Parkin, Haylie Worthen, Joel Perkins, Stacy Bateman, Amy Kunz
Volunteer hours for the month = 69 hours
Welcome and introduce SHS PTSA board members: Diane
Pledge of Allegiance: Diane
Leadership minute: Haylie, the essence of the message is ‘pull together/work together’
Principal’s report: Great orange carpet welcome by student council first day of school; Skytime started today; instructions on Skytime were sent out via email; Principal Perkins gave a brief overview of how Skytime works, what teachers do, what is expected of students, what parents can expect; club rush is this week; underclassman play is happening this week (a way for Mr. Brown to build comraderie among underclassmen); also auditions for the two future plays this year are this week; Chick fil A night went well; can pay club fees on One Stop under optional fees; question about getting PTSA student activity into Skytime schedule; discussion about informing kids of meetings etc.; summer activities overview; athletic review (football, tennis, soccer, golf, cross country, vball); question about sanction of lacrosse spring of 20-21;
By-laws: This is the year to renew our By-laws; next month come with any suggested changes; we’ll vote to approve the By-laws at next meeting as they are or with any suggested changes.
Ethics/Conflict of Interest/Fiscal Management: Kalai Jonson - overview/review of the Ethics and Fiscal forms by Kalai; sent around the signature page for Fiscal Management form and Ethics form; Conflict of Interest – Kalai went over what a conflict definition is and what it means to represent PTA; Heather will review the bank statement each month before handing over to the President & Treasurer.
Budget/Treasurers Report: Kalai Kalai presented the budget (see below); NOTE - it was posted at the Region 9 meeting held in August; mentioned the scholarship donations category, where is it in the budget; discussion; Kalai moved to approve the budget for 2018-19 as proposed; no further discussion; all in favor; Diane concluded - the motion to approve the budget passed. Income was $36.51 – Sales Tax Refund and Expenditures were $125 – audit fee.
Membership/Back to School Night Report: Diane – DON’T FORGET TO JOIN SHS PTSA; financial office and on-line memberships = 337 plus 11 more @ back to school night; SHS should be able to run the report of members now (including just the student list); staff ‘join SHS PTSA’ envelopes will be put in their boxes by next week; Joel will mention this at the SHS staff meeting tomorrow.
Teacher dinners (September 12): Heather Brackett – Liz can help come set up; Diane/Marnee/Kalai will help serve at 1:30.
Reflections: Mr. Mills ‘Heroes Around Me’ is the theme; discussion about plans to promote Reflections; deadline is October 15th; entry forms are on-line or Mr. Mills will copy off some forms and have them available in his room; participants need to drop off their entries in Mr. Mills classroom - C 129 – no later than Oct. 15th.
Battle of the Bands: Friday, January 18th is the date; spread the word!
Instagram account: SHS PTSA now has an Instagram account; let Diane know if you would help post pictures; send anything to be posted to Diane or Melissa; discussion on how to get people to follow – game/incentives.
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence - Opening social is this Thursday – September 6th; rootbeer float opening social; will be held in Lecture hall in D wing; sign up Remind to 81010 @deb7ha for students to get a text reminder, parents too; 49 students are currently on the ‘Remind’ list (about 4 are parents); still working on who will be the student rep for this year; next student activity date is Oct 11; Oct. activity is tentatively putting together Halloween trick or treat bags for a local hospital; should Melissa submit dates for entire year or….; however Melissa wants to schedule dates is fine.
Miscellaneous: Lunch room is looking for student ‘lunch workers’; approximately 2900 students attending SHS this year (644 seniors, 743 juniors, 690 sophomores, 711 freshman).
Q and A with the Principal: attendance policy discussion, new junior high ‘opening’ projection; enrollment discussion; literacy program discussion.
Sept. 12 Parent Teacher Conf. (PTSA will provide a meal for staff)
Sept. 18 Council PTA meeting
Oct. 2 Skyridge PTSA Board meeting
Oct. 15 Reflections entries due at local level
Oct. 16 Utah PTA Advocacy Conf.
Oct. 18-22 Fall Break
Next SHS PTSA meeting: Tuesday October 2 @ 12pm
Skyridge PTSA Meeting Minutes
May 1, 2018
Attended: Diane Leslie, Ashley Cook, Lara Bangerter, Haylie Worthen, Heather Brackett, Kalai Jonson, Marnee Lemon, Karen Ashman, Rachel Spencer, Dr. Perkins.
Volunteer Hours: 57 hours
Approve Minutes: Haylie Worthen motioned to approve the minutes. Heather Brackett seconded.
Leadership: Haylie
- Don’t give up now even if things don’t go the way you planned, because we couldn’t do it without you.
- Chick-Fil-A Night raised $1300 for Caleb Heaps who is struggling with cancer.
- See attachment “Principal’s Report,” for all the student successes.
- Thanks to everyone who helped.
- Scholarship recipients: 1st—Josh Grover, who will be awarded $500. Jared Meek and Cassie Spencer will receive $250.
- Diane moved to 1st elect Ashley as president-elect.
- Heather Brackett seconded.
- Rachel moved to: Take $200 from Administration, move $100 into Scholarships and $100 into a new budget category called Elementary School Donations.
- All voted in favor. 12:33 p.m.
- Began April with $8485.76.
- Brought in $400 from feeder schools for our scholarship.
- Thanks to Erin Mehler’s company, Century 21, for donating $1200 to Grad Night.
- Ended with $9010.76.
- Kalai—Student Involvement might not have an activity in May. This activity is usually the most expensive activity of the year. May have that money.
- See Treasurer’s Report.
- May Activity—will either be laser tag (if Josh can get it lined up) or sponge throwing activity at school. Obviously, Perkins would prefer messy activities not happen at the school. J
- Will deliver treats to teachers’ boxes on May 15.
- Was told to plan for 225 treats.
- Her children and husband will help her deliver.
- Mr. Mills will run photo booth and print some banners.
- Have 8 of 22 people needed lined up for late shift.
- Diane Leslie will work with Karen to order vinyl banner, “Welcome Graduates.”
- Food budget will be around $1600.
- Send Grad Night link with minutes.
- Still don’t have a membership chair.
- Would like to get our social media set up for PTSA. Jennifer Wallace was suggested, or a student (May Babcock) could be asked to help. Maybe Melissa Laurence could get the student rep to do this next year.
- Next year’s board is invited to the Council Meeting at Lehi Jr., May 8 at 12:30 p.m.
- State PTA Convention—May 23-24.