PTSA Meeting
March 3, 2020
Those in attendance: Kathryn Enger, Melissa Laurence, Marnee Lemon, Liz Shields, Amber Mattson, Kalai Jonson, Amy Kunz, Stacy Bateman, Ami Muhlestein, Ashley Cook, Heather Brackett, Angie Parkin
Volunteer Hours: 56
Minutes from last meeting approved
Treasurer’s Report-balanced and recorded.
Need the following people to cash checks: Emma Grant, Nicole, Kaitlyn Johnson, Isaac Anderson, Olivia Hadfield. Ashley will email and remind them.
Election of officers: President, Ashley Cook; Treasurer, Amber Mattson; Secretary, Kathryn Enger; VP Leadership, Haylie Worthen; VP Legislative, Liz Shields
Ashley nominated and Heather 2nd
Student Involvement: March 16, bowling. Lace-ups for special ed
PTA day at the Capital: Change Focus to more scholarship basis. Coordinate buses with the Jr. High.
Prep the students with mock debate before they go. Possibly recommend a tour guide of the capital. Change selection of kids and maybe involve parents or use kids from gov & cit.
Grad night: meeting at Stacy’s Thur. Mr. Mills will provide a map of activities float around and take pictures for a grad night album.
Teacher Dinner: Dr. Perkins will speak with teachers about other ideas to let teachers know we appreciate them, he will also ask janitors to be more helpful. Next time possibly have 2 tables that meet in the middle. End of year treat for teachers.
Next meeting April 14, 2020
PTSA meeting
February 4, 2020
Those in attendance: Kathryn Enger, Heather Brackett, Ami Muhlestein, Angie Parkin, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Amy Kunz, Melissa Laurence, Kalai Jonson, Ashley Cook
Volunteer Hours: 41
Minutes form last meeting approved
Leadership minute: Love is where leadership begins.
Ashley Cook Nominated and Marneee second the nomination, Ashley will post for 30 days
Ashley Cook as President
Kathryn Enger as Secretary
Amber Madsen as Treasurer
Hailey Worthen as Leadership VP
Diane Leslie as Membership VP
Liz Shields as Legislative VP
Lehi Jr. High needs PTSA board members, if anyone knows someone interested please contact Marnee Lemon.
Treasurer’s report: Announce scholarship, waiting for some receipts for battle of the bands. Eaglecrest and Freedom both contributed $100 to scholarship fund
Student involvement: Feb. 6th fleece blankets, Feb 10 pizza party after school. March 16, bowling. Nursery bags-ask for donations but not require.
Teacher dinner: Feb 19th, Mobetah’s catering, Costco salad and BYU brownies. Set up 1:15, Kathryn, Kalai and Melissa to help Heather
Grad night: Meeting March 5th 12:00 at Stacy’s house. Ask Karen about price for senior package so grad night can be a different price. Students will need to bring student ID to enter grad night.
Dr. Perkins: Hope week successful especially Collin Kartchner. Mental health night will be Feb. 19 and will be break out workshops
Region battle of bands: March 21 at corner canyon
PTSA meeting
January 7, 2020
Those in attendance: Kathryn Enger, Liz Shields, Melissa Laurence, Marnee Lemon, Stacy Bateman, Haylie Worthen, Kalai Jonson & Ashley Cook.
Volunteer Hours: 26
Minutes from last meeting approved
Leadership minute: A goal without a plan is just a wish.
Treasurer’s report: Received $100 from Sego Lily for scholarships, reflections winners. State reflections Jan. 13.
Possible thank you for Brenda D.
Student Involvement: 17 kids were involved in gingerbread houses which were donated to Abbington Manor. No activity in January, Feb. activity is making blankets for the hospital.
Battle of the Bands: Stacy will make signs for cash and card line. $3 for students and $5 for adults. Liz will come at 5:30. Kathryn and Marnee will be there at 6:30. Melissa will come depending on jury duty. Stacy and Liz will help with Judge dinners and contestant food. Ami could possibly help where needed. Student Body officers could help MC
PTA day at the Capitol: Feb. 18, 9 students are signed up and will be registered this week.
Grad night: meeting Jan. 21st, 10:30 at Stacy’s house. Discussed inflatables and the pros and cons of having someone set up and take down.
Jan 28 mindfulness meeting: district office 10:30-12:30, 12:30 open for questions. RSVP
Dr. Perkins: U of U study to evaluate mindfulness techniques, equip kids with skills for stress and pressure. Survey kids in 10th and 12th English classes throughout year to determine progress. Ask parents to opt in or out. Discussed pros and cons.
Next meeting February 4, 2020
PTSA Meeting December 3, 2019
Attendees: Kathryn Enger, Melissa Laurence, Marnee Lemon, Stacy Bateman, Michael Mills, Haylie Worthen, Heather Brackett, Ashley Cook, Kalai Jonson, Dr. Perkins.
Volunteer Hours: 37
Minutes from last month were approved
Leadership minute: We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. Be generous
Treasurers report: reflections awards
Reflections: Winners announced Dec. 11. Ashley will notify Mr. Mills
Student Involvement: Gingerbread houses will be donated to Abbington Manor
Teacher treat: Monday, December 6, 10:00 at Heather’s house. She will deliver
Battle of the Bands: Mr. Mills will make Posters, deadline to enter is Jan. 7. Ashley will ask the talent show participants and guitar classes. Rusty Barnes is a possible contact. Send info to student council members to add info on Instagram.
Dr. Perkins: no parking at skyridge after 10. Student council is service focused and are working on sub for Santa
Grad night: Find more money for deal or no deal. Shorten the dance possibly. The district is working on a waiver.
March 3, 2020 is still on for a meeting.
PTSA November 5, 2019
Those in Attendance: Kathryn Enger, Angie Parkin, Ami Muhlestein, Heather Brackett, Amy Kunz, Haylie Worthen, Marnee Lemon, Stacy Bateman, Melissa Laurence, Kalai Jonson, Ashley Cook, Mr. Mills
Volunteer hours: 56
October minutes stand as written
Thank you to Lehi Jr. High for the $100 donation to scholarship fund
Nominating Committee: Kalai, Melissa & Stacy
Alternates: Amy & Marnee
Positions available: Treasurer and President Elect
Kristy Johnson from the counseling department explained CTE pathway program. She is asking us to think of ways to get the word out to parents about the program
Treasurer report: We now have access to online banking, square fees are going up and come out of the admin supplies budget
Reflections: entries are turned in and being judged, results after Nov. 14.
2020-2021 school year Ami Muhlestein will head reflections
Theme for next year is, ‘I matter because…..’
Mr. Mills will work on posters to allow students to know the theme
Student Involvement: October Activity supplied 30 treat bags to Utah Valley medical center.
This month is Thank you notes to teachers.
Teacher appreciation dinner in February: possibly soup, bread and dessert, possible Mo Bettah’s or BYU catering. Stacy, Ami & Kalai volunteered to help with dessert if needed.
Teacher appreciation gift in teacher’s boxes Dec. 9. Possibly assembling them at the next meeting on Dec. 3. Heather will update.
Battle of the Bands: Melissa, Kathryn and Marnee volunteer to be there Jan. 15
Diana from Piano Place has offered to help, possible help coach original songs
Ashley will talk with choir teacher about offering extra credit or make-up classes to participate in B of B.
Skytime meeting in C lecture hall for those interested, date TBD
Speak with Lehi free press, Mr. Mills will produce an ad
QR codes to vote for fan favorite
Discuss cash prizes
Next meeting December 3, 2019
Skyridge PTSA meeting
October 1, 2019
Those in attendance: Kathryn Enger, Ashley Cook, Melissa Laurence, Haylie Worthen, Stacy Bateman, Amy Kunz, Kari Shirk, Angie Parkin, Mr. Mills, Liz Shields, Kalai Jonson
Volunteer hours: 49
Treasure’s report: The year-end financial statement was approved unanimously.
Reflections: Mr. Mills brought the poster and was concerned that more kids don’t come to the recognition night.
Student Involvement: Small turnout in September. Melissa met with the students and officers and they developed a plan for the year.
October-Trick or treat bags for the hospital
November-Treats for teachers
December-Make gingerbread houses to donate
February-fleece blankets
March-Nursery bags
We discussed ways to get more students involved, possibly hold the activity after school.
Student leadership conference October 11 & 12, possibly 2 attending
Battle of the Bands: scheduled for Jan. 14th dress rehearsal, 15th competition. Mr. Mills will design the posters, Stacy will send him a logo. Stacy will give some names to Ashley of potential helpers. 2 categories-Original song and open mic. 1 winner from each category.
Advocacy Conference: Liz and possibly Angie to attend October 15
Kari-ASD parent night October 2.
Club rush, waiting for approval of 13 more clubs
ASD Minimal day, end at 11:15
Picture make up day October 8, need parent volunteers 7:45-11
New Jr. High to be started soon
Next meeting Nov. 3
Skyridge PTSA meeting
September 3, 2019
Those in attendance: Kathryn Enger, Ashley Cook, Heather Brackett, Angie Parkin, Haylie
Worthen, Melissa Laurence, Marnee Lemon, Stacy Bateman, Kalai Jonson, Amy Kunz, Erin
Mehler, Liz Shields, Joel Perkins.
Volunteer hours: 64
Kalai reminded us of the Ethics and Conflict of Interest Rules and we all signed to abide by these
Kalai also went over the basic fiscal management rules, some that she highlighted were:
PTA expenses should be on its own receipt, if not she cannot guarantee that you will
receive tax back
All checks must be signed by 2 people
3 people must account for all cash
Monthly bank statement will arrive at the school and will be opened and approved by a
No money will be stored at school or at the homes of any person
We raise money to exist
Budget for 2019-2020
It was decided to increase Community Involvement from 3000 to 3500.
The budget was approved unanimously.
Student Involvement-Thursday Sept. 5, rootbeer floats in D wing lecture hall
Activities will be the first Thursday of the month
Discussed ways to spread word and increase student numbers, Post on Instagram, have
Karen tag student involvement, have student body officers announce
Club rush during flex
Tell students about free chick-fil-a meal with sign-up
Volunteers for September 11
Kami Baker
Heather (maybe)
Teacher dinner Sept 25.
The foods class will provide a café rio style dinner with mint brownies, set up after lunch at 1:00
in the commons. Teachers will eat from 2:30-3:30.
Volunteers are: Kalai, Kathryn, Liz, Erin and maybe Stacy.
We also confirmed that 2 dinners and 2 small gifts is great for community Involvement.
Grad night feedback
ID badges for parents
Bring student ID to get in to reduce non seniors
Reduce price from 35.00 to 30.00
Clarify senior package, maybe change name (grad night overnight, overnight grad
Possibly extent time
Battle of the Bands
Ashley to speak with Dr. Perkins to find a date.
Dr. Perkins
3042 students, satellite open, new fields
Possible PTA donation, water bottle fillers $2300.00
March 3, 2020
Those in attendance: Kathryn Enger, Melissa Laurence, Marnee Lemon, Liz Shields, Amber Mattson, Kalai Jonson, Amy Kunz, Stacy Bateman, Ami Muhlestein, Ashley Cook, Heather Brackett, Angie Parkin
Volunteer Hours: 56
Minutes from last meeting approved
Treasurer’s Report-balanced and recorded.
Need the following people to cash checks: Emma Grant, Nicole, Kaitlyn Johnson, Isaac Anderson, Olivia Hadfield. Ashley will email and remind them.
Election of officers: President, Ashley Cook; Treasurer, Amber Mattson; Secretary, Kathryn Enger; VP Leadership, Haylie Worthen; VP Legislative, Liz Shields
Ashley nominated and Heather 2nd
Student Involvement: March 16, bowling. Lace-ups for special ed
PTA day at the Capital: Change Focus to more scholarship basis. Coordinate buses with the Jr. High.
Prep the students with mock debate before they go. Possibly recommend a tour guide of the capital. Change selection of kids and maybe involve parents or use kids from gov & cit.
Grad night: meeting at Stacy’s Thur. Mr. Mills will provide a map of activities float around and take pictures for a grad night album.
Teacher Dinner: Dr. Perkins will speak with teachers about other ideas to let teachers know we appreciate them, he will also ask janitors to be more helpful. Next time possibly have 2 tables that meet in the middle. End of year treat for teachers.
Next meeting April 14, 2020
PTSA meeting
February 4, 2020
Those in attendance: Kathryn Enger, Heather Brackett, Ami Muhlestein, Angie Parkin, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Amy Kunz, Melissa Laurence, Kalai Jonson, Ashley Cook
Volunteer Hours: 41
Minutes form last meeting approved
Leadership minute: Love is where leadership begins.
Ashley Cook Nominated and Marneee second the nomination, Ashley will post for 30 days
Ashley Cook as President
Kathryn Enger as Secretary
Amber Madsen as Treasurer
Hailey Worthen as Leadership VP
Diane Leslie as Membership VP
Liz Shields as Legislative VP
Lehi Jr. High needs PTSA board members, if anyone knows someone interested please contact Marnee Lemon.
Treasurer’s report: Announce scholarship, waiting for some receipts for battle of the bands. Eaglecrest and Freedom both contributed $100 to scholarship fund
Student involvement: Feb. 6th fleece blankets, Feb 10 pizza party after school. March 16, bowling. Nursery bags-ask for donations but not require.
Teacher dinner: Feb 19th, Mobetah’s catering, Costco salad and BYU brownies. Set up 1:15, Kathryn, Kalai and Melissa to help Heather
Grad night: Meeting March 5th 12:00 at Stacy’s house. Ask Karen about price for senior package so grad night can be a different price. Students will need to bring student ID to enter grad night.
Dr. Perkins: Hope week successful especially Collin Kartchner. Mental health night will be Feb. 19 and will be break out workshops
Region battle of bands: March 21 at corner canyon
PTSA meeting
January 7, 2020
Those in attendance: Kathryn Enger, Liz Shields, Melissa Laurence, Marnee Lemon, Stacy Bateman, Haylie Worthen, Kalai Jonson & Ashley Cook.
Volunteer Hours: 26
Minutes from last meeting approved
Leadership minute: A goal without a plan is just a wish.
Treasurer’s report: Received $100 from Sego Lily for scholarships, reflections winners. State reflections Jan. 13.
Possible thank you for Brenda D.
Student Involvement: 17 kids were involved in gingerbread houses which were donated to Abbington Manor. No activity in January, Feb. activity is making blankets for the hospital.
Battle of the Bands: Stacy will make signs for cash and card line. $3 for students and $5 for adults. Liz will come at 5:30. Kathryn and Marnee will be there at 6:30. Melissa will come depending on jury duty. Stacy and Liz will help with Judge dinners and contestant food. Ami could possibly help where needed. Student Body officers could help MC
PTA day at the Capitol: Feb. 18, 9 students are signed up and will be registered this week.
Grad night: meeting Jan. 21st, 10:30 at Stacy’s house. Discussed inflatables and the pros and cons of having someone set up and take down.
Jan 28 mindfulness meeting: district office 10:30-12:30, 12:30 open for questions. RSVP
Dr. Perkins: U of U study to evaluate mindfulness techniques, equip kids with skills for stress and pressure. Survey kids in 10th and 12th English classes throughout year to determine progress. Ask parents to opt in or out. Discussed pros and cons.
Next meeting February 4, 2020
PTSA Meeting December 3, 2019
Attendees: Kathryn Enger, Melissa Laurence, Marnee Lemon, Stacy Bateman, Michael Mills, Haylie Worthen, Heather Brackett, Ashley Cook, Kalai Jonson, Dr. Perkins.
Volunteer Hours: 37
Minutes from last month were approved
Leadership minute: We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. Be generous
Treasurers report: reflections awards
Reflections: Winners announced Dec. 11. Ashley will notify Mr. Mills
Student Involvement: Gingerbread houses will be donated to Abbington Manor
Teacher treat: Monday, December 6, 10:00 at Heather’s house. She will deliver
Battle of the Bands: Mr. Mills will make Posters, deadline to enter is Jan. 7. Ashley will ask the talent show participants and guitar classes. Rusty Barnes is a possible contact. Send info to student council members to add info on Instagram.
Dr. Perkins: no parking at skyridge after 10. Student council is service focused and are working on sub for Santa
Grad night: Find more money for deal or no deal. Shorten the dance possibly. The district is working on a waiver.
March 3, 2020 is still on for a meeting.
PTSA November 5, 2019
Those in Attendance: Kathryn Enger, Angie Parkin, Ami Muhlestein, Heather Brackett, Amy Kunz, Haylie Worthen, Marnee Lemon, Stacy Bateman, Melissa Laurence, Kalai Jonson, Ashley Cook, Mr. Mills
Volunteer hours: 56
October minutes stand as written
Thank you to Lehi Jr. High for the $100 donation to scholarship fund
Nominating Committee: Kalai, Melissa & Stacy
Alternates: Amy & Marnee
Positions available: Treasurer and President Elect
Kristy Johnson from the counseling department explained CTE pathway program. She is asking us to think of ways to get the word out to parents about the program
Treasurer report: We now have access to online banking, square fees are going up and come out of the admin supplies budget
Reflections: entries are turned in and being judged, results after Nov. 14.
2020-2021 school year Ami Muhlestein will head reflections
Theme for next year is, ‘I matter because…..’
Mr. Mills will work on posters to allow students to know the theme
Student Involvement: October Activity supplied 30 treat bags to Utah Valley medical center.
This month is Thank you notes to teachers.
Teacher appreciation dinner in February: possibly soup, bread and dessert, possible Mo Bettah’s or BYU catering. Stacy, Ami & Kalai volunteered to help with dessert if needed.
Teacher appreciation gift in teacher’s boxes Dec. 9. Possibly assembling them at the next meeting on Dec. 3. Heather will update.
Battle of the Bands: Melissa, Kathryn and Marnee volunteer to be there Jan. 15
Diana from Piano Place has offered to help, possible help coach original songs
Ashley will talk with choir teacher about offering extra credit or make-up classes to participate in B of B.
Skytime meeting in C lecture hall for those interested, date TBD
Speak with Lehi free press, Mr. Mills will produce an ad
QR codes to vote for fan favorite
Discuss cash prizes
Next meeting December 3, 2019
Skyridge PTSA meeting
October 1, 2019
Those in attendance: Kathryn Enger, Ashley Cook, Melissa Laurence, Haylie Worthen, Stacy Bateman, Amy Kunz, Kari Shirk, Angie Parkin, Mr. Mills, Liz Shields, Kalai Jonson
Volunteer hours: 49
Treasure’s report: The year-end financial statement was approved unanimously.
Reflections: Mr. Mills brought the poster and was concerned that more kids don’t come to the recognition night.
Student Involvement: Small turnout in September. Melissa met with the students and officers and they developed a plan for the year.
October-Trick or treat bags for the hospital
November-Treats for teachers
December-Make gingerbread houses to donate
February-fleece blankets
March-Nursery bags
We discussed ways to get more students involved, possibly hold the activity after school.
Student leadership conference October 11 & 12, possibly 2 attending
Battle of the Bands: scheduled for Jan. 14th dress rehearsal, 15th competition. Mr. Mills will design the posters, Stacy will send him a logo. Stacy will give some names to Ashley of potential helpers. 2 categories-Original song and open mic. 1 winner from each category.
Advocacy Conference: Liz and possibly Angie to attend October 15
Kari-ASD parent night October 2.
Club rush, waiting for approval of 13 more clubs
ASD Minimal day, end at 11:15
Picture make up day October 8, need parent volunteers 7:45-11
New Jr. High to be started soon
Next meeting Nov. 3
Skyridge PTSA meeting
September 3, 2019
Those in attendance: Kathryn Enger, Ashley Cook, Heather Brackett, Angie Parkin, Haylie
Worthen, Melissa Laurence, Marnee Lemon, Stacy Bateman, Kalai Jonson, Amy Kunz, Erin
Mehler, Liz Shields, Joel Perkins.
Volunteer hours: 64
Kalai reminded us of the Ethics and Conflict of Interest Rules and we all signed to abide by these
Kalai also went over the basic fiscal management rules, some that she highlighted were:
PTA expenses should be on its own receipt, if not she cannot guarantee that you will
receive tax back
All checks must be signed by 2 people
3 people must account for all cash
Monthly bank statement will arrive at the school and will be opened and approved by a
No money will be stored at school or at the homes of any person
We raise money to exist
Budget for 2019-2020
It was decided to increase Community Involvement from 3000 to 3500.
The budget was approved unanimously.
Student Involvement-Thursday Sept. 5, rootbeer floats in D wing lecture hall
Activities will be the first Thursday of the month
Discussed ways to spread word and increase student numbers, Post on Instagram, have
Karen tag student involvement, have student body officers announce
Club rush during flex
Tell students about free chick-fil-a meal with sign-up
Volunteers for September 11
Kami Baker
Heather (maybe)
Teacher dinner Sept 25.
The foods class will provide a café rio style dinner with mint brownies, set up after lunch at 1:00
in the commons. Teachers will eat from 2:30-3:30.
Volunteers are: Kalai, Kathryn, Liz, Erin and maybe Stacy.
We also confirmed that 2 dinners and 2 small gifts is great for community Involvement.
Grad night feedback
ID badges for parents
Bring student ID to get in to reduce non seniors
Reduce price from 35.00 to 30.00
Clarify senior package, maybe change name (grad night overnight, overnight grad
Possibly extent time
Battle of the Bands
Ashley to speak with Dr. Perkins to find a date.
Dr. Perkins
3042 students, satellite open, new fields
Possible PTA donation, water bottle fillers $2300.00