Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes - May 3, 2022
In attendance: Diane Leslie, Melissa Laurence, Angie Parkin, Amber Mattson, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Whitney Jensen, Ami Muhlestein, Heather Brackett, Liz Shields, Stacy Bateman, Jana Houle, Michael Mills (Teacher Rep)
Total Volunteer Hours: 81
Treasurer’s Report: Amber Mattson
Balance on Hand: $14,543.64, but May is our big expenditure month 😊
Leadership Minute: Ami Muhlestein
Thanks to everyone who served on PTSA and tried to make things better
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence
May 13 closing social – ice cream sundaes, hopefully get new officers for next year
Teacher Appreciation: Heather Brackett
Final treat day on May 11, Donuts in teacher break room, Heather has everything covered
Reflections: Ami Muhlestein
Already time to start thinking about Reflections for next year. Theme – “Show Your Voice”
Mr. Mills will make posters for Skyridge and Lehi Junior High
Utah had 17 National winners last year!
Board Positions for Next Year: Diane Leslie
Haylie Worthen nominated to be President Elect for the 2022-2023 school year:
Motion: Stacy Bateman
Second: Melissa Laurence
Vote: ALL in favor, 12 votes
Still need someone to head up Battle of the Bands and Teacher Appreciation next year
Many volunteered to help with teacher appreciation - maybe have a committee? (Ami Muhlestein, Amber Mattson, Liz Shields, Angie Parkin, Whitney Jensen)
Also mentioned possibility of combining with Lehi and Lone Peak for Battle of the Bands and rotating which school hosts it
PTSA Scholarship: Diane Leslie
Judges chose 11 students to be awarded, Awards ranged from $200 - $500
Council Awards: THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!
Outstanding Certified Employee: Heather Price (Librarian)
Outstanding Classified Employee: Cori Carter (Finance Office)
Outstanding Student: Bonnie Atkinson
Outstanding Volunteer: Amber Mattson
2 Legacy Awards: Melissa Laurence and Heather Brackett
Grad Night: MAY 26
Possibly Buying a Karaoke Machine or renting one again – still undecided
A lot of fun games and activities planned, just need to be picked up
My school Fees is requiring a name for donations – just type in “grad night”
Still need LOTS of volunteers for 2nd shift (12:45 – 3 AM)
Proposed $700 from budget for karaoke machine (may or may not need to buy):
Motion: Diane Leslie
Second: Ami Muhlestein
Vote: ALL in favor, 12 votes
Proposed Grad night budget increased from $7000 to $9000:
Motion: Diane Leslie
Second: Melissa Laurence
Vote: ALL in favor, 12 votes
Upcoming Event - UTAH PTA Convention May 11-12:
Davis Conference Center in Layton or virtual option this year as well
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes - April 12, 2022
In attendance: John Wallwork (Principal,) Diane Leslie, Melissa Laurence, Angie Parkin, Amber Mattson, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Whitney Jensen, Ami Muhlestein, Michael Mills (Teacher Rep)
Total Volunteer Hours: 43
Treasurer’s Report: Balance on Hand: $14,539.67
Leadership Minute: Ami Muhlestein talked about why April is a good time to go through records and keep what’s needed in long-term files. Good chance to review and reflect on what’s happened this year.
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence
March Activity: Fleece Blankets for AF Hospital went well, Sarah Brown came (she’s taking over
Student Involvement with Kathryn Enger next year)
April/May Activity: End of Year Closing Social, Date TBA
*Look for officers for 2022-2023 school year
Teacher Appreciation: Heather Brackett
Thanks to Ami and Angie for helping with PTC dinner in April.
Final treat day is scheduled for May 11 – Donuts.
Grad Night: More info coming next month
PTSA Scholarship: 3 times as many applicants as last year! 5 judges, may end up doing a bunch of smaller awards … stay tuned.
UTAH PTA Convention May 11-12: Davis Conference Center in Layton, discounted registration ends on 4/22, there is also a virtual option this year if that works better.
Principal’s Report: Pastries with Principal going well, common question topics include 9th graders at the high school, ACT, indoor athletic facility, scheduling and fees, etc. Looking forward to welcoming new sophomores and letting older students/parents visit with teachers and learn about Skyridge clubs, teams, etc. on April 14. Big News: Turf football field going in this Summer!
Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 3 12:00 PM
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2022
In attendance: John Wallwork (Principal), Diane Leslie, Melissa Laurence, Angie Parkin, Amber Mattson, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Whitney Jensen, Heather Brackett, Kathryn Enger, Liz Shields, Ami Muhlestein, Stacy Bateman, Amy Kunz, Michael Mills (Teacher Rep)
Total Volunteer Hours: 47
Treasurer’s Report: Balance on Hand: $14,959.90 (see report)
Leadership Minute: Ami Muhlestein talked about why we need to vote with a quorum. (Make sure we represent the whole PTA)
Election of Officers for 2022-23:
President: Diane Leslie
President-Elect: TBD
Treasurer: Marnee Lemon
Secretary: Whitney Jensen
Legislative VP: Liz Shields
Leadership VP: Ami Muhlestein
Motion to approve by voice and motion to approve all offices as previously read:
Motion: Ami Muhlestein
Second: Melissa Laurence
Vote: ALL in favor for both (13 total votes)
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence, Student Rep - Jeff
February Activity- Thank you and Valentine treat for teachers – went well
March Activity: Fleece Blankets for AF Hospital, March 25
*Try recruiting soph/juniors to join and be student reps for next school year
Teacher Appreciation: Heather Brackett
Heather has covered March. April 14 is PTC dinner, Mo Bettah’s is ordered, help TBD.
Legislative Update: Stacy Bateman
District Website has a legislative page where you can see all the different bills etc.
Grad Night: Committee meeting next week, February 9, 10:00 AM, place TBA
11 PM – 4 AM, Prices on everything have gone up, so budget and admission price will also have to increase. Mr. Atwood arranging online ticket sales, but this might cause some problems with reduced fees.
Principal’s Report: Grateful for PTSA, lots of fun things going on: Urinetown, Basketball Semi-Finals, Pastries with Principal (for parents 😊) New VP next year (replacing Sisam who is taking a District job,) and approval for one additional Assistant Principal because of future student growth. Officer Sweetin promoted to a new job, so we have a new School Officer.
PTSA Scholarship: Deadline for applications April 1
Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 12, 10:00 AM (moved to 2nd week because of Spring Break)
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes - February 1, 2022
In attendance: John Wallwork (Principal,) Diane Leslie, Melissa Laurence, Angie Parkin, Sarah Brown, Amber Mattson, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Whitney Jensen, Heather Brackett, Amy Atkinson, Kathryn Enger, Liz Shields, Jana Houle, Michael Mills (Teacher Rep)
Total Volunteer Hours: 51
Treasurer’s Report: Balance on Hand: $15,266.30
Legislative Update: Conference last week, Kathryn will email zoom recording to Diane. Governor Cox: 5% increase to teachers, remove school fees, focus on inclusion 2 Bills PTA is doing: All-day Kindergarten, Reading equality by 3rd Grade
Student Involvement: February Activity- Heart attack or Valentine treat for teachers, March Activity- Most likely fleece blankets
Teacher Appreciation: January cookies went well, February PTC dinner MOVED TO APRIL 14? Heather Brackett will call MoBettahs to see about switching dates. (Already paid and ordered for 2/16) If they will switch, plan to start setting up around 1:00 after school lunch finishes.
Battle of the Bands: GREAT! Ended up having several bands perform, and a good audience too. Tickets were sold online and at the door. 100% of ticket sales goes to the prize money. (Make that more obvious next year to encourage even more ticket sales!) Mr. Mills took pictures and will share them on social media. Multi-Region and State Battle of the Bands TBA.
Nominating Committee: Melissa will email the names of the nominees. President: Diane Leslie, Secretary: Whitney Jensen, Treasurer: Marnee Lemon, Leadership VP: Ami Muhlestein, Legislative VP: Liz Shields, Teacher Rep: Mike Mills. PRESIDENT ELECT STILL NEEDED – PLEASE PASS ALONG ANY IDEAS! Nominations were closed by Diane, the official vote will take place on March 1.
Grad Night: Committee meeting next week, February 9, 10:00 AM, place TBA. Same layout as last year, most vendors are confirmed, Heather Brackett is doing food (it’s her last year!), discussed switching time to 10PM-2AM because it would be easier to find chaperones.
PTA scholarship: Application will be on website soon, usually the deadline is in the beginning of April, Night of Excellence scheduled for May 23 (Scholarship should be done long before then.)
Principal’s Report: Principal Wallwork will work on shortening graduation. Some Suggestions: Have an adult reader instead of a student, have 2 “S” to walk through instead of 1, Don’t have a school board member talk 😊
Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 1, 12:00 PM
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes - January 4, 2022
In attendance: John Wallwork (Principal), Diane Leslie, Melissa Laurence, Angie Parkin, Ami Muhlestein, Amber Mattson, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Whitney Jensen, Heather Brackett, Michael Mills (Teacher Rep)
Total Volunteer Hours: 112
Leadership Minute: From Ami Muhlestein, PTA has a list of resolutions on their website – one of which is to support teachers. Ami encouraged all of us to spread that!
Treasurer’s Report: Total Expenditures: $5,089.98, Balance on Hand: $15,888.30
Reflections: 4 students moved on to Region, Ami will send info to Diane to put on website.
Student Involvement: December activity students made Gingerbread houses to take to Abbington Manor, activity went well. Next activity is proposed for 2/11 or 2/18, Melissa will meet with student reps and finalize plans soon.
Teacher Appreciation: Jan. 26 is the next teacher treat day. Looking Ahead: Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for February 16. Heather will order food from MoBettahs for 200 people (Buffet style is OK now). Set-Up around 12:30, teachers can pick up food around 2:00.
Battle of the Bands: Jan.31, moved to 7:30 PM because there is a home basketball game that same evening. Wendy Belcher is helping Diane, and Melissa and Heather are available to help that evening. Diane will take care of online ticket sales. Please spread the word and encourage bands to sign-up! Mr. Mills will update the existing posters with the correct QR code and the updated time.
Nominating Committee: Ready with nominations next meeting (February)
Grad Night: Stacy Bateman is working with Amy, but they’d like some more help. Heather is going to order Breakfast Burritos from Betos … the rest is still TBD.
Principal’s Report: Teachers looked at a bunch of data from Semester 1, came up with 10 areas of focus, and then narrowed it down to a top 3 that they will be really focusing on during 2nd Semester:
2.Academic Excellence and Rigor
3.Intervention Task Force
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 1, 12:00 PM
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes - November 2, 2021
In attendance: John Wallwork (Principal,) Diane Leslie, Melissa Laurence, Angie Parkin, Ami Muhlestein, Amber Mattson, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Whitney Jensen, Kathryn Enger, Stacy Bateman, Amy Atkinson, Michael Mills, Liz Shields
Total Volunteer Hours: 69
Leadership Minute: From Ami Muhlestein, Notes=History=Truth
Treasurer’s Report: Total Expenditures: $1,857.57
Membership Update: 302 members
Teacher Appreciation: Next teacher treat day scheduled for Nov. 17, Heather will reach out if she’d like any help.
Utah PTA Advocacy Conference: From Kathryn Enger, Every Student needs to feel Safety, Connection and Confidence. Together these will build resilience. Schools should try to foster this through things like wellness centers and other ellness events.
Renew By-Laws: No changes.
Second – Melissa Laurence
Elect Nominating Committee: Needs to have at least 3 members, and can’t be anyone who plans to hold a leadership role next year.
Second – Whitney Jensen
Student Involvement:
Principal’s Report:
Other Items:
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes - October 5, 2021
In attendance: John Wallwork (Principal), Diane Leslie, Heather Brackett, Melissa Laurence, Angie Parkin,
Ami Muhlestein, Amber Mattson, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Whitney Jensen
Total Volunteer Hours: 65
Leadership Minute: In Secondary Schools an “S” is added to PTSA for students. We need student
involvement and would like to have a student rep at our monthly meetings – maybe even just for 10-15 minutes at the beginning or end while we discuss items we want their opinion on?
Treasurer’s Report: $0 spent in September
Membership Update: 297 members
Teacher Dinners: The PTC dinner went great. Lots of positive feedback and thanks, no complaints!
Heather Brackett is going to oversee doing a treat each month for the teachers (other than the 2 months with PTC dinners). Principal Wallwork suggested doing Wednesdays in the breakroom since teachers are all present for collaboration after the students leave. The October treat is tentatively scheduled for the Wednesday before Halloween. Heather will reach out if help is needed.
Student Involvement:
Principal’s Report:
Other Items:
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes - September 7, 2021
In attendance: John Wallwork (Principal), Amie Sisam (Assistant Principal), Jana Houle (Assistant Principal), Michael Mills (Teacher Rep), Diane Leslie, Heather Brackett, Melissa Laurence, Liz Shields, Ami Muhlestein, Amber Mattson, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Whitney Jensen
Total Volunteer Hours: 44
Membership Report: 285 members have joined, hoping to reach at least 310
Ethics/Conflict of Interest and Fiscal Management: Signature sheets passed around (most were present)
School Gift:
Vote to approve the Budget: ALL in favor (total count 10)
Motion: Ami Muhlestein
Second: Melissa Laurence
Vote to offer pre-paid cards as an option for covering expenses: ALL in favor (total count 10)
Motion: Heather Brackett
Second: Haylie Worthen
Teacher Dinners:
Student Involvement
Principal Q&A
August 18, 2021
See proposed bylaws here: www.utahpta.org/bylaws/17633/pdf
In attendance: Diane Leslie, Melissa Laurence, Angie Parkin, Amber Mattson, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Whitney Jensen, Ami Muhlestein, Heather Brackett, Liz Shields, Stacy Bateman, Jana Houle, Michael Mills (Teacher Rep)
Total Volunteer Hours: 81
Treasurer’s Report: Amber Mattson
Balance on Hand: $14,543.64, but May is our big expenditure month 😊
Leadership Minute: Ami Muhlestein
Thanks to everyone who served on PTSA and tried to make things better
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence
May 13 closing social – ice cream sundaes, hopefully get new officers for next year
Teacher Appreciation: Heather Brackett
Final treat day on May 11, Donuts in teacher break room, Heather has everything covered
Reflections: Ami Muhlestein
Already time to start thinking about Reflections for next year. Theme – “Show Your Voice”
Mr. Mills will make posters for Skyridge and Lehi Junior High
Utah had 17 National winners last year!
Board Positions for Next Year: Diane Leslie
Haylie Worthen nominated to be President Elect for the 2022-2023 school year:
Motion: Stacy Bateman
Second: Melissa Laurence
Vote: ALL in favor, 12 votes
Still need someone to head up Battle of the Bands and Teacher Appreciation next year
Many volunteered to help with teacher appreciation - maybe have a committee? (Ami Muhlestein, Amber Mattson, Liz Shields, Angie Parkin, Whitney Jensen)
Also mentioned possibility of combining with Lehi and Lone Peak for Battle of the Bands and rotating which school hosts it
PTSA Scholarship: Diane Leslie
Judges chose 11 students to be awarded, Awards ranged from $200 - $500
Council Awards: THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!
Outstanding Certified Employee: Heather Price (Librarian)
Outstanding Classified Employee: Cori Carter (Finance Office)
Outstanding Student: Bonnie Atkinson
Outstanding Volunteer: Amber Mattson
2 Legacy Awards: Melissa Laurence and Heather Brackett
Grad Night: MAY 26
Possibly Buying a Karaoke Machine or renting one again – still undecided
A lot of fun games and activities planned, just need to be picked up
My school Fees is requiring a name for donations – just type in “grad night”
Still need LOTS of volunteers for 2nd shift (12:45 – 3 AM)
Proposed $700 from budget for karaoke machine (may or may not need to buy):
Motion: Diane Leslie
Second: Ami Muhlestein
Vote: ALL in favor, 12 votes
Proposed Grad night budget increased from $7000 to $9000:
Motion: Diane Leslie
Second: Melissa Laurence
Vote: ALL in favor, 12 votes
Upcoming Event - UTAH PTA Convention May 11-12:
Davis Conference Center in Layton or virtual option this year as well
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes - April 12, 2022
In attendance: John Wallwork (Principal,) Diane Leslie, Melissa Laurence, Angie Parkin, Amber Mattson, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Whitney Jensen, Ami Muhlestein, Michael Mills (Teacher Rep)
Total Volunteer Hours: 43
Treasurer’s Report: Balance on Hand: $14,539.67
Leadership Minute: Ami Muhlestein talked about why April is a good time to go through records and keep what’s needed in long-term files. Good chance to review and reflect on what’s happened this year.
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence
March Activity: Fleece Blankets for AF Hospital went well, Sarah Brown came (she’s taking over
Student Involvement with Kathryn Enger next year)
April/May Activity: End of Year Closing Social, Date TBA
*Look for officers for 2022-2023 school year
Teacher Appreciation: Heather Brackett
Thanks to Ami and Angie for helping with PTC dinner in April.
Final treat day is scheduled for May 11 – Donuts.
Grad Night: More info coming next month
PTSA Scholarship: 3 times as many applicants as last year! 5 judges, may end up doing a bunch of smaller awards … stay tuned.
UTAH PTA Convention May 11-12: Davis Conference Center in Layton, discounted registration ends on 4/22, there is also a virtual option this year if that works better.
Principal’s Report: Pastries with Principal going well, common question topics include 9th graders at the high school, ACT, indoor athletic facility, scheduling and fees, etc. Looking forward to welcoming new sophomores and letting older students/parents visit with teachers and learn about Skyridge clubs, teams, etc. on April 14. Big News: Turf football field going in this Summer!
Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 3 12:00 PM
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2022
In attendance: John Wallwork (Principal), Diane Leslie, Melissa Laurence, Angie Parkin, Amber Mattson, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Whitney Jensen, Heather Brackett, Kathryn Enger, Liz Shields, Ami Muhlestein, Stacy Bateman, Amy Kunz, Michael Mills (Teacher Rep)
Total Volunteer Hours: 47
Treasurer’s Report: Balance on Hand: $14,959.90 (see report)
Leadership Minute: Ami Muhlestein talked about why we need to vote with a quorum. (Make sure we represent the whole PTA)
Election of Officers for 2022-23:
President: Diane Leslie
President-Elect: TBD
Treasurer: Marnee Lemon
Secretary: Whitney Jensen
Legislative VP: Liz Shields
Leadership VP: Ami Muhlestein
Motion to approve by voice and motion to approve all offices as previously read:
Motion: Ami Muhlestein
Second: Melissa Laurence
Vote: ALL in favor for both (13 total votes)
Student Involvement: Melissa Laurence, Student Rep - Jeff
February Activity- Thank you and Valentine treat for teachers – went well
March Activity: Fleece Blankets for AF Hospital, March 25
*Try recruiting soph/juniors to join and be student reps for next school year
Teacher Appreciation: Heather Brackett
Heather has covered March. April 14 is PTC dinner, Mo Bettah’s is ordered, help TBD.
Legislative Update: Stacy Bateman
District Website has a legislative page where you can see all the different bills etc.
Grad Night: Committee meeting next week, February 9, 10:00 AM, place TBA
11 PM – 4 AM, Prices on everything have gone up, so budget and admission price will also have to increase. Mr. Atwood arranging online ticket sales, but this might cause some problems with reduced fees.
Principal’s Report: Grateful for PTSA, lots of fun things going on: Urinetown, Basketball Semi-Finals, Pastries with Principal (for parents 😊) New VP next year (replacing Sisam who is taking a District job,) and approval for one additional Assistant Principal because of future student growth. Officer Sweetin promoted to a new job, so we have a new School Officer.
PTSA Scholarship: Deadline for applications April 1
Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 12, 10:00 AM (moved to 2nd week because of Spring Break)
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes - February 1, 2022
In attendance: John Wallwork (Principal,) Diane Leslie, Melissa Laurence, Angie Parkin, Sarah Brown, Amber Mattson, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Whitney Jensen, Heather Brackett, Amy Atkinson, Kathryn Enger, Liz Shields, Jana Houle, Michael Mills (Teacher Rep)
Total Volunteer Hours: 51
Treasurer’s Report: Balance on Hand: $15,266.30
Legislative Update: Conference last week, Kathryn will email zoom recording to Diane. Governor Cox: 5% increase to teachers, remove school fees, focus on inclusion 2 Bills PTA is doing: All-day Kindergarten, Reading equality by 3rd Grade
Student Involvement: February Activity- Heart attack or Valentine treat for teachers, March Activity- Most likely fleece blankets
Teacher Appreciation: January cookies went well, February PTC dinner MOVED TO APRIL 14? Heather Brackett will call MoBettahs to see about switching dates. (Already paid and ordered for 2/16) If they will switch, plan to start setting up around 1:00 after school lunch finishes.
Battle of the Bands: GREAT! Ended up having several bands perform, and a good audience too. Tickets were sold online and at the door. 100% of ticket sales goes to the prize money. (Make that more obvious next year to encourage even more ticket sales!) Mr. Mills took pictures and will share them on social media. Multi-Region and State Battle of the Bands TBA.
Nominating Committee: Melissa will email the names of the nominees. President: Diane Leslie, Secretary: Whitney Jensen, Treasurer: Marnee Lemon, Leadership VP: Ami Muhlestein, Legislative VP: Liz Shields, Teacher Rep: Mike Mills. PRESIDENT ELECT STILL NEEDED – PLEASE PASS ALONG ANY IDEAS! Nominations were closed by Diane, the official vote will take place on March 1.
Grad Night: Committee meeting next week, February 9, 10:00 AM, place TBA. Same layout as last year, most vendors are confirmed, Heather Brackett is doing food (it’s her last year!), discussed switching time to 10PM-2AM because it would be easier to find chaperones.
PTA scholarship: Application will be on website soon, usually the deadline is in the beginning of April, Night of Excellence scheduled for May 23 (Scholarship should be done long before then.)
Principal’s Report: Principal Wallwork will work on shortening graduation. Some Suggestions: Have an adult reader instead of a student, have 2 “S” to walk through instead of 1, Don’t have a school board member talk 😊
Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 1, 12:00 PM
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes - January 4, 2022
In attendance: John Wallwork (Principal), Diane Leslie, Melissa Laurence, Angie Parkin, Ami Muhlestein, Amber Mattson, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Whitney Jensen, Heather Brackett, Michael Mills (Teacher Rep)
Total Volunteer Hours: 112
Leadership Minute: From Ami Muhlestein, PTA has a list of resolutions on their website – one of which is to support teachers. Ami encouraged all of us to spread that!
Treasurer’s Report: Total Expenditures: $5,089.98, Balance on Hand: $15,888.30
Reflections: 4 students moved on to Region, Ami will send info to Diane to put on website.
Student Involvement: December activity students made Gingerbread houses to take to Abbington Manor, activity went well. Next activity is proposed for 2/11 or 2/18, Melissa will meet with student reps and finalize plans soon.
Teacher Appreciation: Jan. 26 is the next teacher treat day. Looking Ahead: Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for February 16. Heather will order food from MoBettahs for 200 people (Buffet style is OK now). Set-Up around 12:30, teachers can pick up food around 2:00.
Battle of the Bands: Jan.31, moved to 7:30 PM because there is a home basketball game that same evening. Wendy Belcher is helping Diane, and Melissa and Heather are available to help that evening. Diane will take care of online ticket sales. Please spread the word and encourage bands to sign-up! Mr. Mills will update the existing posters with the correct QR code and the updated time.
Nominating Committee: Ready with nominations next meeting (February)
Grad Night: Stacy Bateman is working with Amy, but they’d like some more help. Heather is going to order Breakfast Burritos from Betos … the rest is still TBD.
Principal’s Report: Teachers looked at a bunch of data from Semester 1, came up with 10 areas of focus, and then narrowed it down to a top 3 that they will be really focusing on during 2nd Semester:
2.Academic Excellence and Rigor
3.Intervention Task Force
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 1, 12:00 PM
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes - November 2, 2021
In attendance: John Wallwork (Principal,) Diane Leslie, Melissa Laurence, Angie Parkin, Ami Muhlestein, Amber Mattson, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Whitney Jensen, Kathryn Enger, Stacy Bateman, Amy Atkinson, Michael Mills, Liz Shields
Total Volunteer Hours: 69
Leadership Minute: From Ami Muhlestein, Notes=History=Truth
Treasurer’s Report: Total Expenditures: $1,857.57
Membership Update: 302 members
Teacher Appreciation: Next teacher treat day scheduled for Nov. 17, Heather will reach out if she’d like any help.
Utah PTA Advocacy Conference: From Kathryn Enger, Every Student needs to feel Safety, Connection and Confidence. Together these will build resilience. Schools should try to foster this through things like wellness centers and other ellness events.
Renew By-Laws: No changes.
- Vote to approve by-laws as written: All in Favor (14 total votes)
Second – Melissa Laurence
Elect Nominating Committee: Needs to have at least 3 members, and can’t be anyone who plans to hold a leadership role next year.
- Vote to have Amber Mattson, Melissa Laurence and Heather Brackett serve as the Nominating Committee with Kathryn Enger and Haylie Worthen as alternates: All in Favor (14 total votes)
Second – Whitney Jensen
Student Involvement:
- Bonnie Atkinson, Student Rep, attended the meeting
- October activity was fun, they filled treat bags and wrote cards to be delivered to hospitalized children for alloween
- Next activity is tentatively planned for December 10 – possibly decorating gingerbread houses, but Covid estrictions at the rest home might change the activity …
- 6 entries – 5 students, each will receive $20 in prize money
- Awards will be announced on Skyridge Instagram page after Principal Wallwork verifies social media consent for each of the students
Principal’s Report:
- Lots of exciting things happening at Skyridge – Tennis, Soccer, Cross Country, Football, Band, Choir, Upcoming Musical Spongebob
- Quarter 1 data looks pretty good, one area of concern is the amount of absences
- Skytime continues to be effective when students use it
- Newly created after school tutoring program is also available
Other Items:
- Battle of the Bands is scheduled for Jan.31, if you’re willing to help please reach out to Diane Leslie.
- Start thinking of people to fill the Teacher Appreciation/Student Involvement PTSA roles next year! Melissa and Heather will be retiring when their children graduate in May :)
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes - October 5, 2021
In attendance: John Wallwork (Principal), Diane Leslie, Heather Brackett, Melissa Laurence, Angie Parkin,
Ami Muhlestein, Amber Mattson, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Whitney Jensen
Total Volunteer Hours: 65
Leadership Minute: In Secondary Schools an “S” is added to PTSA for students. We need student
involvement and would like to have a student rep at our monthly meetings – maybe even just for 10-15 minutes at the beginning or end while we discuss items we want their opinion on?
Treasurer’s Report: $0 spent in September
Membership Update: 297 members
Teacher Dinners: The PTC dinner went great. Lots of positive feedback and thanks, no complaints!
Heather Brackett is going to oversee doing a treat each month for the teachers (other than the 2 months with PTC dinners). Principal Wallwork suggested doing Wednesdays in the breakroom since teachers are all present for collaboration after the students leave. The October treat is tentatively scheduled for the Wednesday before Halloween. Heather will reach out if help is needed.
Student Involvement:
- Monthly activity on random Fridays during Skytime (rotate to try and avoid other club meetings)
- Next activity planned for October 22, however Principal Wallwork said there might be an assembly that day so he will let Melissa Laurence know ASAP
- We need more Sophomores and Juniors to sign up for and participate in PTSA
- Melissa and Diane will add something to the weekly Skyridge email about upcoming student activities and joining PTSA
- Diane will also oversee sending an email to everyone who has ALREADY joined to let them know about the next activity
- 6 entries – all can advance, no need for judging
Principal’s Report:
- Not a lot of parents at PTC – asked for feedback from parents
- Suggested possibly shortening the length (do teachers need to stay until 8:00?)
- Suggested keeping the mental health fair/college fair/etc. on the same night as PTC to attract more parents and students
- Suggested having teachers reach out individually to parents they’d like to meet with and extend an invitation
- Suggested having an online scheduler so parents could sign up for a specific time with a specific teacher
- Why only 3 school dances?
- Staffing, $, COVID all playing a part in the limited number of dances
- FCCLA/Ballroom would like to sponsor a Sadie Hawkins dance, date TBD
Other Items:
- Kathryn Enger will attend the Utah PTA Advocacy Conference on October 7
- Ami Muhlestein will apply for the Goldstar School Application
- Start thinking of people to fill the Teacher Appreciation/Student Involvement PTSA roles next year! Melissa and Heather will be retiring when their children graduate in May :)
Skyridge High School PTSA Meeting Minutes - September 7, 2021
In attendance: John Wallwork (Principal), Amie Sisam (Assistant Principal), Jana Houle (Assistant Principal), Michael Mills (Teacher Rep), Diane Leslie, Heather Brackett, Melissa Laurence, Liz Shields, Ami Muhlestein, Amber Mattson, Marnee Lemon, Haylie Worthen, Whitney Jensen
Total Volunteer Hours: 44
Membership Report: 285 members have joined, hoping to reach at least 310
Ethics/Conflict of Interest and Fiscal Management: Signature sheets passed around (most were present)
School Gift:
- $5,000 total available from surplus bank balance
- Amie Sisam and Jana Houle answered questions about the suggestion for the money to go towards the future Student Wellness Center
- Michael Mills suggested it go towards a giant school flag (like Orem High)
- Senior Gift was also brought up as a possibility for the flag
- $5,000 School gift added to the budget for contribution to Wellness Center
- Divvy Pre-Funded Cards to cover expenses discussed. Nice that it keeps track and doesn’t allow you to go over your budget, but this year would require both an electronic and a paper copy for receipts. Most liked the idea, but maybe wanted a little more info.
Vote to approve the Budget: ALL in favor (total count 10)
Motion: Ami Muhlestein
Second: Melissa Laurence
Vote to offer pre-paid cards as an option for covering expenses: ALL in favor (total count 10)
Motion: Heather Brackett
Second: Haylie Worthen
Teacher Dinners:
- Total count changed to 200
- Sack lunches, available at 2:30 for teachers to come grab and take back to their rooms
- Wrapping sandwiches might require extra time and extra volunteers – Heather was going to talk to Wal-Mart to make sure they can have them ready early on September 29, then she got a list of volunteers to meet her at the school and wrap sandwiches at 12:45
Student Involvement
- Principal will get the Friday club schedule to Melissa Laurence ASAP (hopefully this week)
- Planning for one PTSA club meeting per month
- 3 student officers in place, talked about having them share the student rep responsibilities
- Mr. Mills created posters for Lehi Jr. High, Ami Muhlestein will deliver them
- Mr. Mills will create a digital poster for Instagram and email it to Ami Muhlestein
- Mr. Mills offered to take pictures of any 3D entries
- Entries DUE October 1, online preferred
- Ami Muhlestein will email Rhiannon Patterson to get a Reflections blurb on Instagram and the weekly Skyridge emails
Principal Q&A
- Skytime is for Academic Support – that’s what the main priority needs to be. It’s not for social interactions or club meetings. One other high school in the district has switched to have intervention first thing in the morning from 7:45-8:15 so students who don’t need academic support that day can arrive to school 30 minutes later than normal. Principal Wallwork said he’s planning to discuss this with the other school’s Principal later.
- The shortened time between classes isn’t set in stone, but it didn’t sound like it would change either … Principal Wallwork said if he adds the 2 minutes back to passing time, he will have to take those minutes from the student’s lunch time, so most students wouldn’t like that change. (Maybe students can push to shorten each class period by 2 minutes instead of shortening lunch if they aren’t having time to use the bathroom/go to their locker/etc.?)
August 18, 2021
See proposed bylaws here: www.utahpta.org/bylaws/17633/pdf